Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Military Spending and the Never Ending Trump Diversion

by Ajamu Baraka, Published on Black Agenda Report, 17 Apr 2019 No sector has benefited more from the Trump presidency than the military/industrial complex — with lots of help from the Democrats. “Democrats and Republicans are both committed to the dictatorship of capitalist ruling class and global full spectrum dominance by the U.S.” Despite the intra-class anxiety among the capitalist[…]

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Trump’s Syria Exit Provokes Washington Panic

by Jeff Mackler, from Socialist Action, January 8, 2019 President Trump’s unexpected Dec. 19 Twitter announcement ordering a 30-day timetable for the withdrawal of the 2000 U.S. troops in Syria and 7000 of the 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan provoked a bipartisan panic in Washington. Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” James Mattis, “the butcher of Fallujah,” resigned in protest. He stated,[…]

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Opposing Bipartisan Warmongering is Defending Human Rights of the Poor and Working Class

by Ajamu Baraka, previously published on Dissident Voice, Black Agenda Report and CounterPunch, August 14, 2018 The decision by Democrat party president Harry Truman to bomb the cities of Hiroshima on August 6 and Nagasaki on the 9thwith the newly developed nuclear weapon signaled to the world that the U.S. was prepared to use military force to back up its[…]

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No Protest for Black People

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report, June 27, 2018 “Latino and other immigrants provide a safety valve for people who support or accept anti-black racism as an inevitable fact of life.” Donald Trump is certainly a motivator for white liberals. That group was quiescent when other presidents committed human rights abuses and war crimes, but they spring[…]

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Behind Trump’s anti-Iran Campaign

Photo: Protesting war against Iran in Minneapolis by Deirdre Griswold posted on Workers World, May 10 The Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the nuclear agreement with Iran is yet another demonstration of the no-holds-barred ambition and arrogance of this imperialist ruling group. The U.S. capitalist media admit that Trump’s move has antagonized Washington’s allies/rivals in Europe. Yet the[…]

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