Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Palestinians Starve While White House Feast Honors Kenya’s Killer President Ruto: Biden Backs 1000 Kenyan Troops to Enforce US-imposed Haitian Dictatorship

by Joe Allen, published on Socialist Action, July 11, 2024 [Editor’s note, Jeff Mackler (of SA): We reprint here Joe Allen’s CounterPunch account of “Genocide Joe” Biden’s May 23 White House state dinner with 500 dignitaries invited to honor Kenyan President William Ruto. Allen’s article was originally entitled, “Brandon Johnson [ChicagoMayor] Dines with Biden, While Protests at the DNC Loom on[…]

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The International Criminal Court Takes on Israel and the US Congressional Mafia

by Medea Benjamin, published on Countercurrents, May 29, 2024 Senator Lindsay Graham was bursting with contempt for the International Criminal Court (ICC) when he grilled Secretary of State Blinken at a May 21 Congressional hearing. Wagging his finger, he warned that, if the ICC gets away with issuing arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav[…]

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From Bad to Worse: Tariffs on Chinese Green Tech Cause Massive Treasuries Dump

by Eve Ottenberg, published on Counterpunch, May 21, 2024 So, after egregious theft of foreign reserves and promiscuous abuse of sanctions, Joe “Not the Climate President” Biden slapped huge tariffs on Chinese green tech and guess what? Beijing turned around May 18 and dumped $53 billion-worth of U.S. Treasuries for gold. Are alarm bells going off in federal financial centers[…]

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The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues

by Chris Hedges, published on Socialist Action, May 21, 2024 (Original to Scheerpost) The ruling by the High Court in London permitting Julian Assange to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point. The May 20 decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to[…]

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‘The Law Is Simple’: Israel’s Unregulated Nukes Mean Biden Must Halt Military Aid

by Gerry Condon, published on Common Dreams, April 20, 2024 In a letter to President Joe Biden and top members of his administration, Veterans For Peace asserts that U.S. law requires the cutoff of all weapons shipments to Israel. The national organization Veterans For Peace is demanding that the Biden administration abide by U.S. law regarding the illegal possession of[…]

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UNAC Conference: Power to the People

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 10, 2024 The recent 2024 United National Antiwar Coalition conference brought together an international group of activists from member organizations who mobilize against imperialism, racism, and neo-liberal policies around the world. BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist Margaret Kimberley delivered these closing remarks. Good afternoon and power to the people! Thank you[…]

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In Waging War on the UN Refugee Agency, the West is Openly Siding with Israeli Genocide

by Jonathan Cook, published on Substack, January 30, 2024 There is an important background to the decision by the United States and other leading western states, the UK among them, to freeze funding to the United Nations’ Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the main channel by which the UN disseminates food and welfare services to the most desperate and destitute[…]

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The Legal Case Against Joe Biden for Enabling Israel’s Genocide Against Gaza

Murtaza Hussain interviews Katherine Gallagher of the Center for Constitutional Rights, for Intercepted, January 17, 2024 Editor’s Note: This is an important case.  The fact that the judge is allowing it to go forward is a significant step in US jurisprudence.   The hearing began on January 26, and can be seen HERE. A panel of judges at the International Court[…]

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US Ramps Up War Crimes After ICJ Rules Against Israel

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, January 31, 2024 The Biden administration colluded with Israel to slander the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine in anticipation of the ICJ ruling against Israel on the charge of genocide. Washington is attempting to cover up genocide by committing the war crime of collective punishment against the people of Gaza.[…]

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