Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Peace Council Supports the Right of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela to Defend Itself Against Violent External and Extra-Parliamentary Attempts at Regime Change

Statement by the U.S. Peace Council, August 23, 2024 On July 29, 2024, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) declared President Nicolas Maduro the winner of the presidential election with close to 52 percent of votes cast. As expected, the US-backed opposition called the July 28 election in Venezuela fraudulent when they lost. They had announced that intention even before the[…]

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An Attempted Coup By Any Other Name…

by Maria Paez Victor, published on the Orinoco Tribune, August 1, 2024 “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”  Elon Musk, 25 July 2020, Twitter Once again, as in 2002, Venezuela has been the victim of a combined media and diplomatic coup attempt, but this time with the added element of organized crime and a cyber-attack. Millions of[…]

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Don’t Believe the Hype: Venezuela is a Democracy!

by Ajamu Baraka and Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 21, 2024 Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report editor and columnist, discusses observing the recent elections in Venezuela and why the U.S. still seeks to undermine that democracy. Margaret Kimberley: Ajamu Baraka is a Black Agenda Report editor and columnist. He is joining us from Caracas, Venezuela, where he[…]

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Venezuela Rises From Under U.S. Led Onslaught of Economic Coercive Measures

by Maria Paez Victor, a speech given in a UNAC/Sanctions Kill Webinar July 23, 2024 There are a few things that is necessary to stress about the situation in Venezuela. Because in the presidential elections that are about to take place this Sunday 28th of July, the sanctions are the elephant in the room. For two reasons: because of the[…]

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Maduro Celebrates Victory With Massive Chavista Demonstration at Miraflores Palace

from the Orinoco Tribune, July 29, 2024 The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, celebrated his re-election to office alongside a massive crowd that gathered at the Miraflores Palace on Sunday night, to await the first announcement of the National Electoral Council (CNE). “National independence triumphed,” said the re-elected president, while emphasizing that “they could not defeat[…]

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Silent Sanctions Weapon Used Against Venezuela Elections

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 22, 2024 Flounders, a coordinator of the SanctionsKill Campaign, will moderate the July 23 webinar described at the end of this article.  The upcoming elections in Venezuela, scheduled for July 28, are in the crosshairs of another attempted U.S.-orchestrated regime change operation. U.S. politicians have already intentionally created years of economic hardship[…]

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Demagogue Trump’s “Restraint” at Republican Party Convention: Biden Drops Out

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 22, 2024 As with France’s newly moderated and re-imaged proto-fascist Marine Le Pen a few weeks earlier, Donald J. Trump took the floor of the Republican National Convention for a 93-minute “unifying” nomination acceptance speech. Friendly, relaxed, complementary, “family-oriented,” thanking God for saving his life five days earlier from an assassin’s near[…]

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Venezuela Rejects the Dispossession of CITGO by the US

News from TeleSUR, June 17, 2024 The United States is still in the process of plundering Venezuela’s oil industry. CITGO, Venezuela’s oil refinery and merchandising business, was confiscated by the U.S. and given to fake president Juan Guaido.   [jb] ‘The people will apply implacable justice to those who plotted this plunder against the Republic,’ VP Rodriguez said. On Monday, Venezuela[…]

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The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela is the US

by Roger Harris, published on Counterpunch, May 22, 2024 For all the hullabaloo about “free and fair elections” in Venezuela by the US government, its sycophantic corporate press deliberately ignores the elephant in the room – namely, the so-called sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change. As Foreign Policy[…]

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Venezuela Condemns US Supreme Court Ruling on CITGO

from the Orinoco Tribune, published January 10, 2024 Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Freddy Ñáñez stated that the Venezuelan government condemns the recent decision by the United States Supreme Court to ratify the dispossession of CITGO Petroleum Corporation. Through a social media post published Tuesday, December 9, Minister Ñáñez wrote that the action violates the agreements signed in Barbados[…]

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