Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Silent Sanctions Weapon Used Against Venezuela Elections

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 22, 2024 Flounders, a coordinator of the SanctionsKill Campaign, will moderate the July 23 webinar described at the end of this article.  The upcoming elections in Venezuela, scheduled for July 28, are in the crosshairs of another attempted U.S.-orchestrated regime change operation. U.S. politicians have already intentionally created years of economic hardship[…]

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45 Years After Its Revolution, Nicaragua Offers the World a Better Way Forward

by Gloria Giullo, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 23, 2024 Despite Continued U.S. Destabilization Efforts, Egalitarian and Just Principles Flourish On July 19th, the people of Nicaragua and more than 700 international guests and official delegations from nations around the world celebrated the 45th anniversary of its revolution against the United States-installed puppet dictator, Anastasio Somoza, and the re-assertion of[…]

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170 Years of U.S. Aggression Against Nicaragua

by Rick Sterling, published on LA Progressive, July 16, 2024 When the Monroe Doctrine was declared in 1823 it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the US “sphere of influence” included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. Virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure US intervention and interference in[…]

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Demagogue Trump’s “Restraint” at Republican Party Convention: Biden Drops Out

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 22, 2024 As with France’s newly moderated and re-imaged proto-fascist Marine Le Pen a few weeks earlier, Donald J. Trump took the floor of the Republican National Convention for a 93-minute “unifying” nomination acceptance speech. Friendly, relaxed, complementary, “family-oriented,” thanking God for saving his life five days earlier from an assassin’s near[…]

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US Government Exploits Animosity Towards Migrants to Demonize Socialist Countries

by Jill Clark Gollub, published on the Orinoco Tribune, July 9, 2024 The Republican party has been waging a blatantly racist campaign to criminalize migrants. Instead of pushing back on that narrative, the party that purports to be for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Democrats) is exploiting this racist anger to discredit a country it has targeted for regime change—Nicaragua—apparently for[…]

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Venezuela Rejects the Dispossession of CITGO by the US

News from TeleSUR, June 17, 2024 The United States is still in the process of plundering Venezuela’s oil industry. CITGO, Venezuela’s oil refinery and merchandising business, was confiscated by the U.S. and given to fake president Juan Guaido.   [jb] ‘The people will apply implacable justice to those who plotted this plunder against the Republic,’ VP Rodriguez said. On Monday, Venezuela[…]

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AFGJ Strongly Condemns The Attempted Military Coup In Bolivia

By the Alliance for Global Justice, published on Popular Resistance, June 26, 2024 The Alliance for Global Justice commends the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy. Alliance for Global Justice congratulates the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy in Bolivia just hours after its National Army surrounded the Palacio Quemado with tanks[…]

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The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela is the US

by Roger Harris, published on Counterpunch, May 22, 2024 For all the hullabaloo about “free and fair elections” in Venezuela by the US government, its sycophantic corporate press deliberately ignores the elephant in the room – namely, the so-called sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change. As Foreign Policy[…]

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Nicaragua Acts To Stop Genocide And Strengthen International Law

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, April 27, 2024 NOTE: This is an edited transcript of an interview with Nicaraguan Ambassador Carlos Arguello Gomez about Nicaragua’s efforts to stop the genocide in Palestine. You can listen to the full interview on Clearing the FOG here.   – Margaret Flowers 🚨Tell Congress to say NO to more sanctions on Nicaragua One[…]

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Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide; Nicaragua Exposes It

by John Perry, published on AFGJ:NicaNotes, April 25, 2024 Nicaragua’s complaint at the ICJ against Germany for complicity in Genocide is a constructive follow-on to the earlier case brought by South Africa against Israel for committing Genocide in Palestine.  Neither will have a final resolution any time soon, but when the time comes, Germany will be on the docket with[…]

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