Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Call for A Palestine Liberation Movement and One Democratic State of Palestine

This statement comes from a Palestinian group called the One State Assembly.   The petition isn’t new, but you can still sign and join an increasingly relevant and important movement .  [editor] Please sign our statement calling for a single Democratic State of Palestine within the boundaries of historic Palestine. Only then, can there be a peaceful, democratic multi-ethnic society in[…]

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Silent Sanctions Weapon Used Against Venezuela Elections

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, July 22, 2024 Flounders, a coordinator of the SanctionsKill Campaign, will moderate the July 23 webinar described at the end of this article.  The upcoming elections in Venezuela, scheduled for July 28, are in the crosshairs of another attempted U.S.-orchestrated regime change operation. U.S. politicians have already intentionally created years of economic hardship[…]

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45 Years After Its Revolution, Nicaragua Offers the World a Better Way Forward

by Gloria Giullo, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 23, 2024 Despite Continued U.S. Destabilization Efforts, Egalitarian and Just Principles Flourish On July 19th, the people of Nicaragua and more than 700 international guests and official delegations from nations around the world celebrated the 45th anniversary of its revolution against the United States-installed puppet dictator, Anastasio Somoza, and the re-assertion of[…]

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Netanyahu’s Speech Was as American As It Gets

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Substack, July 25, 2024 Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress was everything you’d expect: packed full of lies and propaganda spin, yet simultaneously very illuminating and revealing. The Israeli prime minister received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine in[…]

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170 Years of U.S. Aggression Against Nicaragua

by Rick Sterling, published on LA Progressive, July 16, 2024 When the Monroe Doctrine was declared in 1823 it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the US “sphere of influence” included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. Virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure US intervention and interference in[…]

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Demagogue Trump’s “Restraint” at Republican Party Convention: Biden Drops Out

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 22, 2024 As with France’s newly moderated and re-imaged proto-fascist Marine Le Pen a few weeks earlier, Donald J. Trump took the floor of the Republican National Convention for a 93-minute “unifying” nomination acceptance speech. Friendly, relaxed, complementary, “family-oriented,” thanking God for saving his life five days earlier from an assassin’s near[…]

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NATO/US Complicity in The Relentless Israeli Genocide of Gaza

by Ann Wright, published on World Beyond War, July 17, 2024 As Israel continued its relentless genocide on steroids of Palestinians in Gaza with over 140 killed in the past weekend, imprisonment without charges of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and destruction of the hospitals, universities, schools (8 UNRWA schools bombed in the past 10 days), cultural centers[…]

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Hundreds Protest NATO Summit

from ILPS, published by Workers World, July 15, 2024 The Resist NATO coalition held a People’s Summit, rally and march to condemn NATO’s expansion, its role in military aggression and in resource extraction across the globe. Workers World Party actively mobilized from several cities and aided in publicity and materials with the Resist NATO Coalition to respond to the danger[…]

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‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 283: Israel bombs three Gaza displacement centers, killing hundreds

by Qassem Muaddi, published on Mondoweiss, July 15, 2024 Casualties  38,584 + killed* and at least 88,881 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Among the dead, 28,428 have been fully identified. These include 7,779 children, 5466 women, and 2418 elderly people as of May 1. In addition, around 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.* 575+ Palestinians killed in[…]

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Emergency Statement on the Health and Human Rights Crisis in the West Bank

by Jewish Voice for Peace Health Advisory Council, published on Mondoweiss, July 1, 2024 Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to resources, and targeted health infrastructure Over the past few months, the Israeli military assault in Gaza has[…]

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US Government Exploits Animosity Towards Migrants to Demonize Socialist Countries

by Jill Clark Gollub, published on the Orinoco Tribune, July 9, 2024 The Republican party has been waging a blatantly racist campaign to criminalize migrants. Instead of pushing back on that narrative, the party that purports to be for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Democrats) is exploiting this racist anger to discredit a country it has targeted for regime change—Nicaragua—apparently for[…]

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