Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Race, Rights and Repression: The Moral and Political Dilemma of the Capitalist Dictatorship

by Ajamu Baraka and Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 4, 2024 BAR Executive Editor Margaret Kimberley talks to Ajamu Baraka, BAR Editor and Columnist about the upcoming presidential election and how the outcome will impact international and domestic policy. Ajamu provides his analysis on Palestine, the Ukraine/Russia war, U.S. imperialism in Africa, police militarism, and the federal[…]

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How the U.S. Could Have Won the Venezuelan Election

by Roger D. Harris, published on Workers World, August 23, 2024 Workers World has been publishing, unedited, statements from anti-imperialist media and individuals to show the breadth of support for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and opposition to the lies of the U.S. government and corporate media.  Washington’s intent was not to encourage a free and fair democratic process but[…]

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The DNC Fiddles While the World Burns

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, August 21, 2024 An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the brink of direct involvement in major wars with Russia and Iran,[…]

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Mali And Niger Break Diplomatic Relations With Ukraine

by Abyome Azikiwe, published on Popular Resistance, August 16, 2024 Accusing NATO Ally Of Involvement In Terrorist Attacks. The United States proxy war against the Russian Federation continues to impact the African continent. Since the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, the African continent has become a major battleground in the renewed Cold War between Moscow and[…]

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NYTimes Ignites China Doping Controversy Leading Into the Olympics

by Rick Sterling, published on Dissident Voice, May 10, 2024 I chose this article because it was full of details about the original incident and following attacks in the New York Times.   Following the Paris Olympics, Rick discussed this issue on the most recent China Report, a podcast from Breakthrough News: Western accusations of doping by Chinese swimmers threaten to[…]

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For 75 Years, NATO Has Been Terrorizing the Globe

by Jeremy Kuzmerov, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 13, 2024 Will a formidable peace movement ever emerge that can succeed in stopping it? This past week, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebrated its 75th anniversary by hosting a summit in Washington, D.C., where its founding treaty was signed. A declaration issued at the summit made clear NATO’s intent to[…]

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“Genocide Joe” Biden’s Blown Debate With “Moron” Donald Trump: Democrats Scramble to Terminate Biden’s Candidacy

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 6, 2024 Despite a week of intense Camp David pre-debate preparation, where President Biden was pumped full with “facts” provided by his $billionaire-backed campaign advisers aimed at demonstrating his administration’s “achievements,” Biden proved incapable of a single coherent explanation of his policies. We’ll leave it to the “experts” to evaluate the intellectual[…]

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In Waging War on the UN Refugee Agency, the West is Openly Siding with Israeli Genocide

by Jonathan Cook, published on Substack, January 30, 2024 There is an important background to the decision by the United States and other leading western states, the UK among them, to freeze funding to the United Nations’ Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the main channel by which the UN disseminates food and welfare services to the most desperate and destitute[…]

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Israel on Trial: Historic days in The Hague

by Mahmoud Elenani, published on Peoples Dispatch, January 17, 2024 Egyptian journalist Mahmoud Elenani was in The Hague when South Africa presented its case against Israel to the ICJ, this is his account of those days when history was made With legal precision, South African legal team presented the grounds and evidence for their accusation that Israel is committing genocide[…]

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Israel’s War on Palestine and the Global Upsurge Against It

by Vijay Prashad, published on People’s Dispatch, January 13, 2024 Hundreds of millions of people across the world have been deeply moved by the atrocity of the Israeli war on Palestine. Millions have attended marches and protests, many of them participating in such demonstrations for the first time in their lives. Social media, in almost all the world’s languages, is[…]

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