Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Biden Calls on Trump to “Join” Him In A War Against Immigrants and Asylum

by Cristobal Cavazos, published on Socialist Action, June 16, 2024 The June 4th announcement by President Joseph Biden that the right to asylum was all but over is a reactionary move by a reactionary administration. Ironically, 85 years ago to the day, the racist 1924 US Johnson-Reed Immigration Act, under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, tragically refused asylum to close to[…]

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Dramatic Last Hours of Title 42 on U.S.-Mexico Border

from Socialist Action, posted May 12, 2023 (originally from Cuba en Resumen) Yesterday a minute before midnight, Eastern Time in the United States, Title 42 was suspended and replaced by decree 8, which is even more drastic, since its sanctions indicate that any person who tries to enter without a visa will be banned from doing so for five years, by[…]

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May Day being commemorated in the U.S.

by Monica Moorhead, published on Workers World, April 24, 2023 A number of U.S. cities are gearing up for May Day (International Workers Day) 2023 with actions that highlight labor struggles, especially those involving young workers organizing at Starbucks and Amazon. But May Day is about much more than workers who are carrying out dynamic organizing campaigns. It encompasses the[…]

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Despite Outcry, U.S. and Dominican Governments Continue the Brutal Deportation of Haitians

by Marty Goodman, published in Haïti Liberté, February 3, 2022 n September, there was worldwide revulsion over photos of mounted U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents in Texas apparently whipping Haitian migrants. The images were reminiscent of slavery. But that did not slow down President Biden’s racist plans for the mass deportation of Haitians. As of this writing in[…]

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Chicago Police Murdered Adam Toledo

by Crystobal Cavazos, published on Socialist Action, June 17, 2021 By Cristobal Cavazos Thirteen-year old Adam Toledo was shot to death in the Mexican working class neighborhood of Little Village, among the most poverty stricken in Chicago. CPD officer Eric Stillman did this heinous deed on March 29, but a Chicago police cover-up reported otherwise. Months later video footage showed[…]

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Sin Fronteras

Activists Demand Immediate End To Deportations — Reunite Families! By Ann Montague, published on Socialist Action, February 27, 2021 President Biden has been signing numerous Executive Orders. But a closer look shows they contain no immediate solutions. Instead they merely refer issues to a governmental body or create a task force for further study. Immigration activists want immediate action on[…]

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Immigration Changes: What has Biden done so far?

by Teresa Gutierrez, published on Workers World, February 12, 2021 Duke university student Anthony Salgado said it best in an editorial for his university paper: “We need immigration revolution, not immigration reform.” ( Unfortunately, the Democratic Party establishment is not able to grasp this concept. But immigrants have had enough of false promises. The immigrant/migrant/refugee population is hopeful about the[…]

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U.S. Chernobl, Why the US Failed and China Succeeded against COVID-19

By Lee Siu Hin, Published on, August 1, 2020 This is the second part of the introduction to Capitalism on a Ventilator, an anthology of articles on the US handling of the COVID-19 crisis and the Chinese response to the same, edited by IAC’s Sara Flounders and Lee Siu-Hin.  Capitalism on a Ventilator, which includes articles by  UNAC AC[…]

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Illegal Terror Against Im/migrants Continues

By B.L.S. San Antonio, Texas, published on Workers World,  August 11, 2020 “They told me not to tell my family where I was,” a Haitian asylum-seeker recounted. “I heard people being taken away in the hall [of the hotel] screaming, ‘I’m not going! I’m not going!’” In the month of July, Immigration and Customs Enforcement held nearly 200 immigrant children,[…]

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