Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Hundreds Protest NATO Summit

from ILPS, published by Workers World, July 15, 2024 The Resist NATO coalition held a People’s Summit, rally and march to condemn NATO’s expansion, its role in military aggression and in resource extraction across the globe. Workers World Party actively mobilized from several cities and aided in publicity and materials with the Resist NATO Coalition to respond to the danger[…]

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Protesters tell Biden: ‘We are your red line’

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, June 11, 2024 Over 75,000 pro-Palestine protesters surrounded the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 8, creating a symbolic two-mile-long “red line” to call out President Joe Biden’s hypocritical rhetoric in May when he said he would withhold weapons to Israel if they launched an assault on Rafah in Gaza. Many people[…]

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Nakba Day – The Struggle Continues for a Free Palestine

by Brenda Ryan, published on Workers World, May 24, 2024 Brooklyn, New York People all over the world demonstrated during the week of May 12 — 19 to commemorate the 76th anniversary of Nakba (“the Catastrophe”), the day on May 15, 1948, when the new Zionist state of Israel culminated its brutal removal of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from[…]

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Won’t You Please Come to Chicago? Cheri Honkala on the Democratic Convention

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 15, 2024 The City of Chicago has inadvertently granted the Poor People’s Army a permit to march to the convention steps of the United Center during the Democratic National Convention. Students are protesting Biden and Netanyahu’s war on Gaza all over the City of Chicago while city, state, and Democratic Party[…]

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Campus Revolts Inspire Anti-Imperialist Solidarity

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, April 30, 2023 Faced with the ongoing U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in occupied Gaza that has claimed the lives of 34,454 civilians, with 77,575 people injured as of April 28, according to Gaza’s Palestinian Ministry of Health, and caused the displacement of over 1 million people, the solidarity with Palestine is evolving into a[…]

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VCU USES HUNDREDS OF COPS TO BREAK UP PEACEFUL PROTEST by Phil Wilayto, for The Virginia Defenders, April 30, 2024 RICHMOND, VA, April 29 — At about 8:30 this evening, Virginia Commonwealth University put out an alert that a “violent protest” was taking place on the campus of the state’s largest public university. There was violence, but it wasn’t from[…]

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Student Mobilizations Against Israel Genocide Spread

by Barry Shepard, published on Socialist Action, April 24, 2024 Ever since Israel’s war on Palestinians and increasing destruction of infrastructure and mass killings of the population in Gaza, protests have developed on campuses. The response of supporters of Israel’s war have charged that campus pro-Palestinian demonstrations are anti-Semitic. As the killings and destruction have intensified, so to have many[…]

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UNAC Conference: Power to the People

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 10, 2024 The recent 2024 United National Antiwar Coalition conference brought together an international group of activists from member organizations who mobilize against imperialism, racism, and neo-liberal policies around the world. BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist Margaret Kimberley delivered these closing remarks. Good afternoon and power to the people! Thank you[…]

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Philadelphia pro-Palestine Protests Target Weapons Manufacturers

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, April 9, 2924 The Palestine Federation of Trade Unions has requested that workers around the world carry out protests against companies that manufacture the weapons used by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. In response, opponents of the Israeli offensive protested in early April against two weapons manufacturers headquartered in Philadelphia. Ghost Robotics, which[…]

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Civil Resistance and Mass Protests to Free Palestine

Just a few photos of a few protests.  There are so many, but this is what I have time for today. On January 8, in New York City, more than 300 protesters were arrested following civil resistance actions that shut down traffic entering and leaving New York during the morning rush hour. Police arrest hundreds after Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down[…]

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