Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Hundreds Protest NATO Summit

from ILPS, published by Workers World, July 15, 2024 The Resist NATO coalition held a People’s Summit, rally and march to condemn NATO’s expansion, its role in military aggression and in resource extraction across the globe. Workers World Party actively mobilized from several cities and aided in publicity and materials with the Resist NATO Coalition to respond to the danger[…]

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Emergency Statement on the Health and Human Rights Crisis in the West Bank

by Jewish Voice for Peace Health Advisory Council, published on Mondoweiss, July 1, 2024 Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to resources, and targeted health infrastructure Over the past few months, the Israeli military assault in Gaza has[…]

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Protesters tell Biden: ‘We are your red line’

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, June 11, 2024 Over 75,000 pro-Palestine protesters surrounded the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 8, creating a symbolic two-mile-long “red line” to call out President Joe Biden’s hypocritical rhetoric in May when he said he would withhold weapons to Israel if they launched an assault on Rafah in Gaza. Many people[…]

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Call for A Palestine Liberation Movement and One Democratic State of Palestine

This statement comes from a Palestinian group called the One State Assembly.   The petition isn’t new, but you can still sign and join an increasingly relevant and important movement .  [editor] Please sign our statement calling for a single Democratic State of Palestine within the boundaries of historic Palestine. Only then, can there be a peaceful, democratic multi-ethnic society in[…]

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Call To Action: The ICSGP Denounces Israel’s Brutal Attacks On Rafah

by the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine, Popular Resistance, May 30, 2024 Calls for social movements worldwide to join Popular University for Gaza movement. Demands the United Nations and Palestinian Authority immediately declare Gaza a famine-stricken area. The International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) abhors the brutal slaughter in recent days by the Israeli Occupation Forces[…]

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UAW Rank and File Demand their Union Divest from Genocide

published on Workers World, May 25, 2024 (UAW Labor for Palestine (UAW L4P) issued the statement below on May 10) United Auto Workers leadership must stop crossing the Palestinian trade union picket line and immediately divest from Israeli genocide! UAW Labor for Palestine has learned that the International Executive Board of the United Auto Workers [at its meeting held April[…]

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US Intelligence Agencies Explicit on Genocidal Nature of Israel’s Gaza War and Palestinian Resistance

by Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, May 19, 2024 U.S. intelligence agencies have now openly recognized that the war Israel is ostensibly waging, to eliminate Hamas in Gaza, cannot be won. This is a virtual recognition what the pro-Palestinian demonstrators have been saying, and most of the world knows, that the war is a war against[…]

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Nakba Day – The Struggle Continues for a Free Palestine

by Brenda Ryan, published on Workers World, May 24, 2024 Brooklyn, New York People all over the world demonstrated during the week of May 12 — 19 to commemorate the 76th anniversary of Nakba (“the Catastrophe”), the day on May 15, 1948, when the new Zionist state of Israel culminated its brutal removal of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from[…]

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Won’t You Please Come to Chicago? Cheri Honkala on the Democratic Convention

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 15, 2024 The City of Chicago has inadvertently granted the Poor People’s Army a permit to march to the convention steps of the United Center during the Democratic National Convention. Students are protesting Biden and Netanyahu’s war on Gaza all over the City of Chicago while city, state, and Democratic Party[…]

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