Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

News Conference Protests Media Silence on Illegal Charges Against Uhuru 3

by Brenda Ryan, published on Workers World, August 19, 2024 New York~ Representatives from several organizations held a rousing news conference in front of the New York Times building in this city on Aug. 14 to demand that the U.S. government drop the bogus charges against Omali Yeshitela, chairperson of the  and leaders of the Uhuru solidarity movement and that[…]

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USA Lets Athletes Cheat with Steroids, as it Accuses Russia & China of Violating Anti-doping Rules

by Ben Norton, published on Geopolitical Economy, August 11, 2024 The World Anti-Doping Agency says the US has for a decade allowed athletes in international competitions, including the Olympics, to cheat by using prohibited drugs, while it hypocritically criticizes Russia and China. The United States has for a decade allowed athletes in international competitions, including the Olympics, to use prohibited[…]

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U.S. Rejection of Venezuela’s Democracy Vindicates Trump Contesting the 2020 Election Results

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, August 7, 2024 It cannot be said that the U.S. has free and fair elections. Yet, the country regularly uses the false virtue of democracy to enact regime change when its interests are threatened by a nation seeking sovereignty. In Venezuela, this effort has reached a particular level of absurdity on multiple occasions – this[…]

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Julian Assange is Free

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 25, 2024 Thanks to all the activists across the country and around the world who made this possible. Below are some snippets from Julian’s friends who describe some of the details of his release. More later. A detained report is in preparation. Julian’s plea bargain agreement of guilt on one felony charge[…]

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The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues

by Chris Hedges, published on Socialist Action, May 21, 2024 (Original to Scheerpost) The ruling by the High Court in London permitting Julian Assange to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point. The May 20 decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to[…]

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Venezuela Condemns US Supreme Court Ruling on CITGO

from the Orinoco Tribune, published January 10, 2024 Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Freddy Ñáñez stated that the Venezuelan government condemns the recent decision by the United States Supreme Court to ratify the dispossession of CITGO Petroleum Corporation. Through a social media post published Tuesday, December 9, Minister Ñáñez wrote that the action violates the agreements signed in Barbados[…]

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The Last Flurry: The US Congress and Australian Parliamentarians Seek Assange’s Release

by Dr. Binoy Kampmark, published on Countercurrents, January 19, 2024 On February 20, Julian Assange, the daredevil publisher of WikiLeaks, will be going into battle, yet again, with the British justice system – or what counts for it. The UK High Court will hear arguments from his team that his extradition to the United States from Britain to face 18[…]

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Guyana-Venezuela Dispute: Understanding the background and Opposing war

by Francisco Dominguez, published on Countercurrents, December 18, 2023 If there were any misgivings about the actions undertaken by the government of Venezuela around the territorial dispute with Guyana, the joint military exercises between Guyana Defence Forces (GDF) and the US Southern Command (SouthCom) explain what really lies behind things. Venezuela’s claimed territory, also known as Guayana Esequiba, is 159,500 square kilometres[…]

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Aafia Siddiqui Still Languishes in Prison After 20 Years

by Judy Bello, December 22, 2023 Aafia Siddiqui, a young Pakistani woman from an upper middle class family in Karachi, came to the U.S. to attend the University of Houston where her brother was already a student, received her bachelors degree from MIT, and a doctorate from Brandeis University in neuropsychology.  Her father, a doctor, had worked in Africa as[…]

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Alex Saab is Free: A victory Over US Imperialist Sanctions

by staff, published on Fight Back! News, December 20, 2023 Miami, FL – Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat, is now free after long negotiations between Venezuela’s government and the U.S. State Department. Saab flew back to Venezuela on Wednesday, December 20 into the waiting arms of his wife, Camilla Fabri Saab. He will be able to hug his children after[…]

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