Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Imperialism: Everywhere You Look

by Karlos Berman, published on Socialist Action, September 2, 2024 On August 27, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador [photo above] announced that his country had “paused” relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada. He stressed that the “pause” applied to the embassies and not to the countries themselves, whatever that may mean or imply. Some news[…]

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The Fracturing of Latin America as a Preamble to Regional Balkanization

by Rafael Bautista S., published on Resumen English, August 13, 2024 The alignment of certain governments to the crutch of “fraud”, to delegitimize the last elections in Venezuela, is seriously fracturing the region. The consequences of this new conformation of a bloc aligned with the geopolitics of the dollar, only outlines a scenario, analogous to the one that gave rise[…]

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An Attempted Coup By Any Other Name…

by Maria Paez Victor, published on the Orinoco Tribune, August 1, 2024 “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”  Elon Musk, 25 July 2020, Twitter Once again, as in 2002, Venezuela has been the victim of a combined media and diplomatic coup attempt, but this time with the added element of organized crime and a cyber-attack. Millions of[…]

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U.S. Rejection of Venezuela’s Democracy Vindicates Trump Contesting the 2020 Election Results

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, August 7, 2024 It cannot be said that the U.S. has free and fair elections. Yet, the country regularly uses the false virtue of democracy to enact regime change when its interests are threatened by a nation seeking sovereignty. In Venezuela, this effort has reached a particular level of absurdity on multiple occasions – this[…]

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Venezuelans Re-Elect President Maduro Despite U.S. Organized Coup Attempt

by Gloria Guillo, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 30, 2024 Sanctions are a misnomer when it comes to Venezuela. Here, the U.S. isn’t “just” illegally punishing a nation-state to effect regime change by withholding necessary resources and key inputs that cause food shortages, grave illness, death and economic instability. In Venezuela, the United States is also committing racketeer-level crimes against[…]

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War, Genocide and Coups: Biden/Harris and the Irreversible Crisis of Neoliberal Fake Democracy

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2024 One of the defining characteristics of the current crisis is the speed at which contradictory social, political and ideological dynamics can change with contradictions shifting from primary to secondary, antagonistic to non-antagonist and conflicts of interests, as well as struggles among the capitalist oligarchy producing new intra-bourgeois class alignments.[…]

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AFGJ Strongly Condemns The Attempted Military Coup In Bolivia

By the Alliance for Global Justice, published on Popular Resistance, June 26, 2024 The Alliance for Global Justice commends the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy. Alliance for Global Justice congratulates the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy in Bolivia just hours after its National Army surrounded the Palacio Quemado with tanks[…]

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Anti-Coup Rebellion In Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years

by Dmitri Kovalevich, published on Popular Resistance, May 8, 2024 As Russian Forces Continue Advancing In Donetsk. April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities[…]

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