Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

AFGJ Strongly Condemns The Attempted Military Coup In Bolivia

By the Alliance for Global Justice, published on Popular Resistance, June 26, 2024 The Alliance for Global Justice commends the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy. Alliance for Global Justice congratulates the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy in Bolivia just hours after its National Army surrounded the Palacio Quemado with tanks[…]

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China and Progressive Latin America Share a Project of Solidarity

by Carlos Martinez, published on Friends of Socialist China, March 14, 2023 Friends of Socialist China co-editor Carlos Martinez was invited by the World Anti-imperialist Platform to speak on 4 March 2023 at Bolívar Hall, London, alongside the ambassadors of Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela, at an event marking the 10th anniversary of the death of comrade Hugo Chávez. Carlos addressed[…]

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Perú, Argentina, México: Lessons of Coups and ‘Lawfare’ in Latin America

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, December 13, 2022 Coup in Perú Dec. 7. “Lawfare” in Argentina Dec. 6. Confrontation in Mexico Nov. 27. In the past few weeks, Latin America’s reactionary elites, junior partners of U.S. and world imperialism, have challenged leftist elected officials in these three countries. These events illustrate what Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin[…]

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Interview With Evo Morales; UK Role in Coup That Ousted Him;

by Matt Kennard, published on DeclassifiedUK, July 14, 2022 Matt Kennard interviews the former president of Bolivia about a range of subjects — including the British-backed coup of 2019, Julian Assange, NATO and transnational corporations  — at Morales’ house deep in the Amazon rainforest. THE COUP: ‘The UK participated in it – all for lithium’ THE BRITISH: ‘Superiority is so important to them,[…]

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Why ‘Bolivia Is the Center of the World’ for People’s Movements

by Rogelio Mayta, produced by Globetrotter,  May 14, 2022 Humanity finds itself at a crucial moment. It’s not only war and climate change that threaten life on our planet. Ideologies and some people do too. We know that money and the production of wealth and well-being have created an ever greater and more profound gap between people, neighborhoods, cities and[…]

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World Gathering of Peoples for Our Mother Earth and against the Climate Crisis – Conclusions Document

by Justine Teba, published on The Red Nation, October 23, 2021 Global Encounter of Peoples in Favor of Mother Earth and Against the Climate Crisis Topic 1. Facing the climate crises structurally from the perspective of the peoples. Topic 2. Urgent calling of Mother Earth to combat the climate crisis. Topic 3. Integral actions to combat the climate crisis and[…]

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Bolivia: Evo Morales Warns of Right-Wing Maneuvers

Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews and edited by Workers World, August 13, 2021 Former president Evo Morales, leader of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party, denounced, this Aug. 4, the Bolivian political right for promoting destabilizing maneuvers disguised as political activism. “Once again, the coup plotters announce antidemocratic mobilizations against the legitimate, legal and constitutional government of our brother[…]

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Evo Morales returns to Bolivia in triumph

By Marco Terrugi posted on Workers World, November 16, 2020 Chimoré airport, Bolivia First published Nov. 13 in, Teruggi’s article describes Evo Morales’ triumphant return to Bolivia after a year in exile. Translation: John Catalinotto. [Former President] Evo Morales and [Vice President] Alvaro Garcia Linera stood before a crowd at the Chimoré airport in the heart of the Chapare.[…]

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The Bolivian People Said Yes to Democracy and No to U.S. Imperialism

The Alliance for Global Justice Congratulates the Bolivian People October 18, 2020, marked the end of the US-backed coup against Evo Morales and the theft of democracy in Bolivia. Today, the victory of Luis Arce, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS in Spanish) presidential candidate, marks the strong determination of the Bolivian people to return to democracy. From the Alliance for[…]

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Bolivia’s Corrupt Coup Makers Fear Electoral Rebuff

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, October 15, 2020 National elections are scheduled to take place in Bolivia on Oct. 18. They are the first to be held since November 2019, when a Washington-backed coup overthrew the legal government of President Evo Morales. The coup regime, guilty of repression, massive corruption and a mangled response to COVID-19, is facing[…]

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