Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 283: Israel bombs three Gaza displacement centers, killing hundreds

by Qassem Muaddi, published on Mondoweiss, July 15, 2024 Casualties  38,584 + killed* and at least 88,881 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Among the dead, 28,428 have been fully identified. These include 7,779 children, 5466 women, and 2418 elderly people as of May 1. In addition, around 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.* 575+ Palestinians killed in[…]

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Israeli Strike Kills 29 in School Yard Playing Football

by Dr Marwan Asmar, published on Countercurrents, July 10, 2024 In some ways this story is light weight compared to so many of the atrocities that have taken place in Gaza. The death toll was up to 35 the last I heard, but likely has risen higher since then given the fact that no hospitals are currently functioning in Gaza.[…]

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Rejecting the Bantustan ‘Two-state Solution’, Mandla Mandela Calls for a Single Democratic State in Palestine

by Tim Anderson, published on One Democratic State of Palestine , January 29, 2024 Washington and the Israelis understand that the fig leaf of ‘two states’ hides apartheid and prevents the construction of a broad anti-apartheid movement. The popular but fallacious touchstone of a political resolution in Palestine has been a ‘two-state solution’. Washington constantly reverts to this and, more[…]

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Stop the war on Yemen!

from the International Action Center, January 11, 2024 The International Action Center condemns the U.S. and British imperialist governments for their unjustifiable attacks on Yemen Jan. 11. This latest aggression is a direct expansion of the genocidal war they have been collaborating with in Gaza. It coincides with the charges of that genocide against Israel in the International Court of[…]

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Israel and America’s Growing Zugzwang

by Simplicus the Thinker, published on Substack, November 18, 2023 This is just for fun, a rather long analysis that looks at the regional and global aspects of the war in Gaza.  He has some interesting leaks and maps to back up his positions as he moves towards a final conclusion.   It is only one opinion, but brings out a[…]

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Baltimore & Israel: A Global Gang of Colonizers

by  Netfa Freeman, published on Black Alliance for Peace, November 17, 2023 From Haiti to Puerto Rico and from the Congo to Baltimore, African (Black) people suffer from colonialism. Current atrocities happening to the people of Gaza and the West Bank clearly show the colonial reality of life and death in Palestine. What we see daily in Palestine is a[…]

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54th National Day of Mourning Demands: ‘Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!’

By Workers World Boston Bureau posted on Workers World, November 28, 2023 Plymouth, Massachusetts ~Over 2,000 Indigenous people and their supporters — with thousands more in attendance via live stream — shut down business as usual in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 23 to commemorate the 54th National Day of Mourning (NDOM). Here — where millions of tourist dollars depend on[…]

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Where is the Outrage?

by Maria Paez Victor, published on Counterpunch, September 22, 2023 “How about we’re buying oil from Venezuela? When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would’ve taken it over; we would have gotten all that oil; it would’ve been right next door. But now we’re buying oil from Venezuela, we’re making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this?[…]

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Reflections Upon the 1986 Case of Nicaragua v. US

by Dan Kovalik, published on Tortilla Con Sal, June 26, 2023 It has now been 37 years since the landmark decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case of Nicaragua v. United States. Seven different US Presidents, some Republican and some Democrat, have sat in the White House since then. Yet sadly, the debt owing on that[…]

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