Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Julian Assange Freed by the Prospect of Justice

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July After seven years of asylum in Ecuador’s embassy in London and another five years imprisoned by the United Kingdom, Julian Assange is finally a free man. The prospect of justice, of Assange successfully fighting extradition to the United States, moved the Biden administration’s Department of Justice to offer him a plea[…]

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Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story

by Brian Berletic, published on The Struggle/La Lucha, June 18, 2024 In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow. Washington was Deliberately Harming American “Allies”  The article titled, “Pentagon[…]

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All Out For Assange! Emergency Actions If He Is Extradited

By Assange Frontline Defense, Popular Resistance. Emergency Actions to Support Julian Assange if he is Extradited to the United States As Julian Assange’s options to appeal the decision to extradite him to the United States are being exhausted, he could be extradited as early as the beginning of October. We must be prepared to support him and fight for his[…]

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Julian Assange Is “Dangerously Close” to Extradition for Revealing US War Crimes

By Marjorie Cohn, from Socialist Action, Initially published on Truthout, July 15, 2023  For nearly five years, publisher and journalist Julian Assange has fought extradition to the United States where he faces 175 years in prison for revealing evidence of U.S. war crimes. Instead of protecting freedom of the press, to which he pledged allegiance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in[…]

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The Myth of Free Speech in America…

Fox News to Pay Dominion $787.5 Million for 2020 Election Lies While African People’s Socialist Party Persecuted and Julian Assange Jailed For Telling the Truth  Recent developments exposed the hypocrisy of the oligarchy owned Mainstream Media.  We shouldn’t forget that while all this Trump related BS was airing on Fox, the supposedly ‘left’ stations were busy covering for Joe Biden[…]

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John Pilger on the Coming War. Speak Up, Now

By John Pilger, May 01, 2023 In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was held in New York City, followed by another two years later. They called on ‘the hundreds of poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, short story writers and journalists’ to discuss the ‘rapid crumbling of capitalism’ and the beckoning of another war. They were electric events which, according to[…]

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The Case Against the Case Against Julian Assange

by Stephen Rohde, published on Socialist Action*, April 8, 2023 Like the Trump administration that preceded it, the Biden administration is seeking the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to stand trial on an indictment under the infamous Espionage Act of 1917. As the unprecedented U.S. prosecution of Assange reaches a critical stage, a growing number of elite media outlets,[…]

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The Entrapment of Julian Assange: The Star Chamber Nears

by Ellen E. Taylor, published on Socialist Action, December 18, 2022 On November 28th the New York Times, Der Spiegel, the Guardian, Le Monde and El Pais sent an Open Letter to the world, stating that, “The US government should end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.” This letter is unforgivably late. Julian has been buried alive for over a[…]

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‘End the War on Journalism and Free Assange’: Thousands Demand Release of WikiLeaks Founder

by Kenny Stancil, published on Common Dreams, October 8, 2022 Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held a massive transatlantic protest on Saturday to demand freedom for the incarcerated journalist.  In London, thousands of people formed a giant human chain around Britain’s parliament and called for Assange’s immediate release from the nearby maximum-security Belmarsh prison, where he has suffered for[…]

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