Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story

by Brian Berletic, published on The Struggle/La Lucha, June 18, 2024 In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow. Washington was Deliberately Harming American “Allies”  The article titled, “Pentagon[…]

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Menendez Indictment Exposes the US-Egypt Weapons to Ukraine Dispute

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, September 25, 2023 Yes, more on the Menendez ‘scandal’.  There are a lot of angles here.  It’s rather entertaining.  [jb] US Senator Robert Menendez, (D. NJ.) temporarily stepped down from his powerful role as chairman of the Senate Relations Committee, according to Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer, following accusations of political corruption[…]

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Organized crime in Vilnius

by Editor @ Workers World, published July 20, 2023 To evaluate the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, this July it helps to observe it in the framework of what this military alliance’s meeting really is: an international gathering of the heads of criminal gangs and some local stooges. If that argument seems to stretch reality, consider these points: The major[…]

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Human Rights Experts Call For Withdrawal Of Biased UN Report

by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, published on Popular Resistance, March 31, 2023 BTW, I signed it too:)  [jb] Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, has joined other human rights specialists in condemning an “expert” report on Nicaragua published on March 2nd as being unprofessional, biased, incomplete and concocted to justify further coercive sanctions that will damage Nicaragua’s[…]

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U.S. Military Out of the Philippines

by by Seiji Yamada, Arcelita Imasa, and Richard Rothschiller, Published on Counterpunch, March 7, 2023 In January, the Philippine and US governments announced plans to allow U.S. military access to four additional bases in the Philippines. This agreement to base more U.S. military assets in the Philippines poses a threat to peace. Signaled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton writing[…]

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U.S. Spreads Misery Across the Globe Imposing Sanctions on a Third of Humanity

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, January 2, 2023 …Yet There is Almost No Opposition or Outcry—Even When Sanctions are Increasingly Having a Boomerang Effect The U.S. may try piously to defend sanctions as a ‘response to foreign tyranny,’ but they are really a pretext to steal foreign bank accounts and cripple commercial rivals of U.S. corporations. On[…]

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US Threatens Ethiopia and Eritrea with Illegal “Legal Designation of Genocide”

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 25, 2022 The US is falsely accusing Ethiopia and Eritrea of hindering food aid and committing genocides in the ongoing war in Tigray. The charges are false and the US has no right to make such a claim on its own. Ann Garrison continues reporting from the region.   [BAR Ed] During[…]

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U.S. − Hands Off Kazakhstan!

Statement by International Action Center, January 12, 2022 Noting here that the CSTO/Russian Peacekeepers left a few days after arriving.  [jb] Just days before urgent talks between Russia and the United States in Geneva, Switzerland, began Jan. 10, a widespread outbreak of fighting in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan — including burning the presidential palace — resulted in Russia sending[…]

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Biden and Iran

by Behrooz Ghamari Tabrizi, published on CounterPunch, February 3, 2021 There is an expression in Persian that says when an idiot throws a stone into a well, hundreds of wise people can’t recover it. Now this is the story of Donald Trump’s idiotic decision in May 2018 to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran known as the Joint[…]

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Open Society Tries To Stage A Counterrevolution In Cuba

by Javier Gómez Sánchez, published on Popular Resistance, January 8, 2021 On November 28, 2020 Cuban Television abruptly ended the Cuban State media’s reluctance to publicly expose the U.S. attempts to fund and organize a new counterrevolution to bring about a soft coup in the island nation. The TV special was followed by episodes on Mesa Redonda, segments on NTV,[…]

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