Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Black Misleaders Promote Zionism

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 22, 2023 As zionists ramp up the pressure, the Black misleadership class readily succumbs to protect their precious positions and dubious prominence. In 2021 this columnist wrote, “The Palestine Litmus Test.” At that time Israel was carrying out one of its periodic attacks against Gaza, deliberately targeting civilians, and in doing[…]

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No To U.S. Occupation of Haiti

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, August 4, 2023 US imperialism now has a willing partner in yet another imperialist contemplated occupation of Haiti. On July 29, Kenya’s Foreign Minister Alfred Mutua volunteered to do Washington’s dirty work in Haiti. He promised to lead an armed intervention with 1,000 Kenyan police officers. On July 14, the United Nations Security[…]

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The Myth of Free Speech in America…

Fox News to Pay Dominion $787.5 Million for 2020 Election Lies While African People’s Socialist Party Persecuted and Julian Assange Jailed For Telling the Truth  Recent developments exposed the hypocrisy of the oligarchy owned Mainstream Media.  We shouldn’t forget that while all this Trump related BS was airing on Fox, the supposedly ‘left’ stations were busy covering for Joe Biden[…]

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The ICC Is A US-Controlled Kangaroo Court

by Jaqueline Luqman, published on HoodCommunist, March 23, 2023 The Washington Post, or the Pentagon Post, as Eugene Puryear aptly named the paper this Saturday, printed a bizarre “key update” on the official visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The update reads: “Chinese President Xi Jinping claims to have come to Moscow as[…]

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Behind Sam Bankman-Fried’s Cryptocurrency Crash

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, December 4, 2022 “What is the robbing of a bank to the founding of a bank?” —Bertolt Brecht, The Threepenny Opera Thirty-year-old “wonder boy” Sam Bankman-Fried (often called SBF) was, at $21 billion, among the richest men on earth. Until a month ago, he was CEO of the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the[…]

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Democratizing the United Nations to Save the World

by Professor Sofia M. Clark, published on Global Research, June 13, 2022 “Those of us who do understand the nefariousness of the empire, and the ever-increasing danger it represents, must be clear that the effective defense of life on planet Earth, including that of the human species itself, inexorably demands the existence of an independent and democratic world forum for[…]

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The Return of the Taliban

by Vijay Prashad, published on Consortium News, August 18, 2021 On Aug. 15, the Taliban arrived in Kabul. The Taliban’s leadership entered the presidential palace, which Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had vacated when he fled into exile abroad hours before. The country’s borders shut down and Kabul’s main international airport lay silent, except for the cries of those Afghans who had worked[…]

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