Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

45 Years After Its Revolution, Nicaragua Offers the World a Better Way Forward

by Gloria Guillo, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 23, 2024 Despite Continued U.S. Destabilization Efforts, Egalitarian and Just Principles Flourish On July 19th, the people of Nicaragua and more than 700 international guests and official delegations from nations around the world celebrated the 45th anniversary of its revolution against the United States-installed puppet dictator, Anastasio Somoza, and the re-assertion of[…]

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Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis

by The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent, published on The Cradle, January 17, 2024 Iraqi security sources are warning of an ISIS revival in the country, which coincides all too neatly with the spike in Iraqi resistance operations against US bases in Iraq and Syria, and with widening regional instability caused by Israel’s military assault on Gaza. More than six years after[…]

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Red Sea Politics: Ethiopia, Somalia & US/EU/NATO

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, January 17, 2024 An MOU pairing Ethiopia’s Red Sea ambitions with Somaliland’s secessionist aspirations heightens tensions in the Horn of Africa. The world’s eyes are now on the geostrategic Red Sea waterways where Yemen’s Ansar Allah fighters have stopped Israeli and Israel-bound ships from passing. Other regional tensions have come into play[…]

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War Looks Just as War Looks: Dismal and Ugly

by Vijay Prashad, published on The Tricontinental Institute, November 2, 2023 It is impossible to look away from what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank. Waves of Israeli aircraft pummel Gaza, destroying communications networks and thereby preventing families from reaching each other, journalists from reporting on the destruction, and[…]

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Rome Peace Conference Declares: U.S., Allies Provoked War in Ukraine, Stop NATO!

Statement published on Workers World, October 28, 2023 Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on Oct. 27 and 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace. The[…]

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Maui’s Deadly Inferno: Disaster Capitalism in Action

by Barry Shephard, published on Socialist Action, August 17, 2023 People around the world viewed with horror the wildfire on Maui, one of the Hawaiian Islands, with the historic city of Lahaina, formerly the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom, being burned to the ground, people trying to escape by jumping into the ocean or by car, cars burned, and more.[…]

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Latin America and West Africa – Patterns of Neocolonialism

by Stephen Sefton, published on Tortilla con Sal, August 6, 2023 The patterns of neocolonial intervention in the majority world by the United States and its allies since their victories over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 are very clear. Almost immediately the Western countries started a cycle of bloody aggression against peoples resisting colonialism, followed later by the[…]

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