Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

“Genocide Joe” Biden’s Blown Debate With “Moron” Donald Trump: Democrats Scramble to Terminate Biden’s Candidacy

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 6, 2024 Despite a week of intense Camp David pre-debate preparation, where President Biden was pumped full with “facts” provided by his $billionaire-backed campaign advisers aimed at demonstrating his administration’s “achievements,” Biden proved incapable of a single coherent explanation of his policies. We’ll leave it to the “experts” to evaluate the intellectual[…]

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‘Totally Indefensible’: Biden Nominates Death Squad Backer Elliott Abrams to Diplomacy Panel

by Jake Johnson, published on Common Dreams, July 4, 2023 “Elliott Abrams, enemy of human rights, apologist for mass murder, should have no place within spitting distance of any Democratic administration in any capacity.” President Joe Biden on Monday quietly nominated Elliott Abrams to serve on a bipartisan diplomacy commission, a move that human rights advocates condemned as outrageous given[…]

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Biden Calls Cuba “Terrorist” While The People Demand An End to U.S. Terrorism Against Cuba

By Calla Mairead Walsh, published on Socialist Action,  May 29, 2023 When the Devil rules, no good work goes unpunished.   [jb] Thousands of Cubans gather to celebrate the country’s National Rebellion Day, a yearly commemoration of the Cuban revolution. While Biden doubles down on Cuba’s designation as a so-called “State Sponsor of Terrorism,” the US people are increasingly calling for[…]

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Durham Report Reveals the Real Threat to “Democracy” – The FBI Weaponized by Democrat Party Affiliated Elites

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, May 17, 2023 Donald Trump calls Russiagate a “hoax” but it is in fact much worse. The manufactured scandal was part of successful efforts to intimidate, to censor, and to discredit opposition to state narratives. Russiagate is used to make the case for the proxy war in Ukraine. Here in the US it plays[…]

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The Myth of Free Speech in America…

Fox News to Pay Dominion $787.5 Million for 2020 Election Lies While African People’s Socialist Party Persecuted and Julian Assange Jailed For Telling the Truth  Recent developments exposed the hypocrisy of the oligarchy owned Mainstream Media.  We shouldn’t forget that while all this Trump related BS was airing on Fox, the supposedly ‘left’ stations were busy covering for Joe Biden[…]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Returns

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 5, 2023 If democrats were smart, Donald Trump would be a disgraced former president, forgotten by all but his most ardent admirers. But they aren’t smart and they may have given him a political resurrection. Donald Trump is back in the news. He is facing a 34-count indictment for paying people[…]

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20 Years After Iraq, Corporate Media Defends US War Crimes But Obsesses Over Trump Trivialities

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 22, 2023 Liberals and the media give great attention to Donald Trump’s legal problems that are related to his personal life, but they cover up for the war crimes he and other presidents committed. United States troops began the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003 under the direction of president George[…]

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Trump Calls for Peace in Ukraine While the Democrats Make Support for War a Midterm Campaign Issue

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, October 12, 2022 Donald Trump is no peace maker, but his stance on negotiations to end the war in Ukraine is in stark contrast to that of the democrats, who fully support continuing the dangerous proxy war against Russia. Anti-war forces must step up and struggle for peace. Since the U.S. sponsored coup[…]

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Biden Signed on to Netanyahu’s ‘Vision’ of Crushing Palestinian Hopes

by Philip Weiss, published on Mondoweiss, July 22, 2022 Apartheid in Israel, potentially, Genocide in Gaza, accepted in the Middle East and the West as just a fact of life that shouldn’t interfere with business as usual. I’ve just been reading that reports on what it cost Egypt to enter an alliance with Israel and the United States.  It’s a[…]

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