Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Racist Riot in Britain

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, August 7, 2024 The United Kingdom’s ugly history of subjugating people in the global south has created a deeply racist country. The criminal ruling class exploits, but white racism blames the desperate newcomer. The United Kingdom has recently experienced a wave of rioting and blame is placed upon people referred to as[…]

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The ICC Is A US-Controlled Kangaroo Court

by Jaqueline Luqman, published on HoodCommunist, March 23, 2023 The Washington Post, or the Pentagon Post, as Eugene Puryear aptly named the paper this Saturday, printed a bizarre “key update” on the official visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The update reads: “Chinese President Xi Jinping claims to have come to Moscow as[…]

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Veterans For Peace: No Troops to the Border!

Statement by Veterans for Peace, November, 2018Veterans For Peace strongly condemns the recent announcement that up to 15,000 active duty military personnel may be sent to the U.S. southern border. These troops will join the additional National Guard units that were sent last year, increasing the militarization of our borders at an alarming rate. Our immigration laws and enforcement tactics[…]

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The Migrant Caravan and U.S. Policy

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report: Freedom Rider Blog, October 24, 2018 Washington blames “socialism” when Venezuelans flee their country’s US-created economic crisis, but defame Honduran refugees fleeing the misery created by the US in that country. “The United States must stop interfering in other nations and end its subversion of other countries’ democratic processes.” There are an[…]

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How to Talk About the Migrant Caravan

A protest in Iowa coinciding with a state visit by A.G. Jeff Sessions, organised by Iowa CCI in partnership with AFSC., Photo: AFSC / Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Editor’s Note: I liked this article because it provides talking points for those engaged in political conversation with non-activists.  And, regardless of where we stand on political change, there are instances[…]

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