Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Most Vital Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time

by Chris Hedges, published on, October 28, 2021 I think we need, as we follow these proceedings focused solely on Julian Assange’s state of mind and ability to tolerate torture, to look at his incredible accomplishments (not crimes) and the hideous brutality of his accusers. Thank you Chris Hedges for bringing us back to the source. [jb] WASHINGTON, D.C[…]

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Will Americans Who Were Right on Afghanistan Still Be Ignored?

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas S. J. Davies, August 22, 2021 America’s corporate media are ringing with recriminations over the humiliating U.S. military defeat in Afghanistan. But very little of the criticism goes to the root of the problem, which was the original decision to militarily invade and occupy Afghanistan in the first place. That decision set in motion a[…]

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Black Alliance For Peace Statement on Afghanistan

Black Alliance for Peace Newsletter, August 18, 2021 Just days ago, some intelligence estimates figured it could take up to six months for the Taliban to seize control of Kabul in its sweeping campaign to reclaim power in Afghanistan. Yet, on Sunday, former President Ashraf Ghani formally resigned and fled the country. Now, Taliban officials reside in the presidential palace[…]

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What’s Behind The Assassination Of Haitian President Moïses?

by Dan Cohen and Kim Ivers, published on MintPress News, July 9, 2021 Everything you never knew about what is going on in Haiti.  The quote targets the immediate issue, who killed Jovenal Moise, but the entire interview lays out a detailed context.  [jb] The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse sent shockwaves through the tiny Caribbean island nation and[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Attempt to Continue War on Afghanistan As Afghan President Visits Biden

Statement from Black Alliance for Peace, June 25, 2021 Slightly out of date, but right-on in it’s assertions. [jb] JUNE 25, 2021—As Afghan President Ashraf Ghani makes his rounds this week in Washington, the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) opposes any effort to prolong the U.S. war on the Afghan people, including efforts to keep the United States engaged in[…]

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Don’t Allow Another U.S.-NATO Libya in the Horn of Africa

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, June 24, 2021 Paternalistic U.S. government political posturing toward Africa has a history of turning into fatal consequences for the masses of African peoples. A decade ago, several of the same individuals who now hold positions in the Biden administration were accomplices in the U.S.-led NATO decimation of Libya, which was rationalized under the[…]

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Why Democracies in G7 & NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership

by Nicolas J.S. Davies and Medea Benjamin, June 15, 2021 The world has been treated to successive spectacles of national leaders gathering at a G7 Summit in Cornwall and a NATO Summit in Brussels. The U.S. corporate media have portrayed these summits as chances for President Biden to rally the leaders of the world’s democratic nations in a coordinated response[…]

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Rural Teacher Pedro Castillo Poised to Write a New Chapter in Peru’s History

by Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores, June 8, 2021 With his wide-brimmed peasant hat and oversized teacher’s pencil held high, Peru’s Pedro Castillo has been traveling the country exhorting voters to get behind a call that has been particularly urgent during this devastating pandemic: “No más pobres en un país rico” – No more poor people in a rich country.[…]

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Ending Poverty in the United States

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 17, 2021 President Franklin Roosevelt made profound changes in the US political-economic structure, while Joe Biden only does temporary patchwork on the late-stage capitalist carcass. “There isn’t even a pretense of ending poverty in the United States.” The propaganda campaign is in high gear on behalf of Joe Biden and the[…]

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