Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Who is the Most Dangerous Fascist

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, July 23, 2020 Most American leftists are incoherent on the term fascism, and Democrats have utterly destroyed the word’s meaning. “In their cartoon politics, fascist simply means “Trump.” After seizing an initial beachhead around federal buildings in Portland, Oregon, Donald Trump is threatening to send his Homeland Security über alles storm troopers into[…]

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Annexation is Going Forward

by Philip Weiss, published on Mondoweiss, July 6, 2020 The fact that Israel didn’t move forward on annexation on July 1 is no basis for hope. The country is determined to do so, annexation will inevitably mean uprooting Palestinians and moving them to shanty towns, and none of the vaunted opposition to Israeli plans, from Democratic Party progressives to Europe,[…]

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Interview with US Activist Who Fought ISIS With The Kurds in Syria

by Christopher Helali and Judy Bello I recently had the privilege of interviewing Chris Helali about his experiences fighting ISIS with the Kurdish militias in northern Syria.   It was very interesting to see the way his direct observations of the war in Syria led him to change his assessment of the situation there.   [jb] Judy: Good evening, I’m Judy Bello[…]

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Defund the Police, Defund the Military

by Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, published on Common Dreams, June 9, 2020 On June 1, President Trump threatened to deploy active-duty U.S. military forces against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters in cities across America. Trump and state governors eventually deployed at least 17,000 National Guard troops across the country. In the nation’s capital, Trump deployed nine Blackhawk assault helicopters,[…]

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Diseased System in a Shut-Lockdown, Never a Better Time to Fight for Socialism

by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, April 23, 2020 The current health and economic crisis will dramatically accelerate the processes of corporate monopolization, finance capital dictatorship, and working class precarity and immiseration. The only cure is socialism. “The duopoly parties’ refusal to establish a national health care system, beginning with Medicare for All, can only be understood in[…]

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The United States Has Produced Very Few Anti-Imperialists; Noam Chomsky is Not One of Them

by Stephen Gowans, published on Stephen Gowan’s Blog, November 3, 2019 Imperialism has penetrated the fabric of our culture, and infected our imagination, more deeply than we usually think.—Martin Green. [1] [Americans] have produced very, very few anti-imperialists. Our idiom has been empire.—William Appleman Williams. [2] In a recent Intercept interview with the beautiful soul Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky resumed[…]

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Understanding the Chicago School Strike … and Why it’s Different

by Paul Elitzik, published on Considered Sources, October 25, 2019 You have to go beyond the news media coverage of the school strike to understand its significance. The reporting reduces the strike to a conflict over particular demands, a power struggle between an “interest group” and the city. But this gets it very wrong. Teachers are not just another interest[…]

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Sam Husseini: The Entire US Establishment Helped Lie Their Way into the Iraq War

by Slava Zilber, published in the American Herald Tribune, October 14, 2019 Slava Zilber: Sam Husseini is a senior analyst with the Institute for Public Accuracy, independent journalist and contributor to The Nation and FAIR. Sam, three years ago, you appeared on Talk Nation Radio with David Swanson and spoke about the case of the GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun. You pointed out that[…]

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