Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Eerie Silence Surrounding the Assange Case

Julian Assange remains cut off from the world in Ecuador’s London embassy, shut off from friends, relatives and thousands of supporters, leaving him unable to do his crucial work, as John Pilger discusses with Dennis J. Bernstein. ~ Consortium News By Dennis J Bernstein, originally published on Consortium News,  June 9, 2018, taken from a radio interview on Flashpoints on Pacifica’s[…]

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Climate justice is integral to development justice

Header photo from Citizen News Website by Shobha Shukla, previously published on CounterCurrents blog Climate justice is integral to development justice, as it is essential for building a brave feminist future sans power and wealth inequalities. This is the dream of feminists in the Asia Pacific region, including Misun Woo, who recently took over charge as the Regional Coordinator for[…]

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US War Crimes in Syria Exposed

by Niles Neimuth, originally published on the World Socialist Website The United States committed war crimes of staggering proportions last year during its four-month-long siege of the Syrian city of Raqqa, demolishing up to 80 percent of the city with an unrelenting blitzkrieg of bombs and artillery shells that killed hundreds of civilians. The devastation left behind by the US[…]

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The Liberation of Ghouta in the Context of International Law

Syrian soldiers assist civilians waiting to be evacuated through a humanitarian corridor in East Ghouta. Editor’s note: This letter was written a couple of months ago.  Before the letter was circulated for endorsers, no less presented to the members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States vetoed a resolution to condemn them for raining cruise missiles on Syria. […]

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Running Amok? Donald Trump Facilitates Civilian Drone Deaths, Continues Attacks in Seven Countries ‘and Elsewhere’

Only 12% of drone victims in Pakistan are militants. by Drone Warfare, originally posted on Global Research, June 7, 2018 The NGO CAGE, which campaigns against discriminatory state policies and advocates observance of due process and the rule of law, reminds readers that in October 2017, US President Donald Trump replaced the Obama rules pertaining to drone strikes with his[…]

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The West & Gulf Couldn’t Sway These Lebanese Elections

by As’ad AbuKhalil, written for Consortium News, May 31, 2018 The recent Lebanese parliamentary election generated a lot of publicity in Western media. To be sure, free elections are rare in the Middle East, and Western media get excited over the prospects of success for what they dub as “pro-Western” candidates or coalitions anywhere. Also because foes of Israel and[…]

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Letter From Nicaragua: A Catastrophic Well-Orchestrated Event Is Occurring

Above: An anti-government demonstrator fires a home-made mortar during clashes with riot police at a barricade in the town of Masaya, 35km from Managua on June 9, 2018. — AFP Editor: This is breaking news from Nicaragua.  The article and the intro below are from the original publication on Popular Resistance website.   You can read Popular Resistance and Brian Willson’s introduction[…]

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General strike in South Africa

Strikers in Johannesburg, SA, April 25, 2018 protest austerity and oppression of workers by Marty Goodman, originally published on Socialist Action, May 30, 2018 Worsening poverty and attacks on organized labor by South Africa’s neo-liberal African National Congress (ANC) government have ignited a wave of working-class militancy, resulting in a general strike on April 25. The militant action targeted a[…]

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