Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Court Rules Against Voting Rights—Opens Door to Return of Jim Crow Racist Laws

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, December 6, 2023 A federal court on November 20 issued a decision that would severely curtail enforcement of the Voting Rights Act,(VRA) that could affect voters of color nationwide and will probably be appealed to the Supreme Court. The decision opens the door wider to a return to Jim Crow laws that once[…]

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Charges Dropped on the Tampa 5, Students for a Democratic Society Protesters Walk Free

Statement, published on Fightback News, December 5, 2023 Fight Back New Service is circulating the following statement from the Emergency Committee to Defend the Tampa 5. The Tampa 5 are proud to announce a great victory: their misdemeanor and felony charges will be dropped! This victory was made possible by months of mobilizations of people across the state of Florida,[…]

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Baltimore & Israel: A Global Gang of Colonizers

by  Netfa Freeman, published on Black Alliance for Peace, November 17, 2023 From Haiti to Puerto Rico and from the Congo to Baltimore, African (Black) people suffer from colonialism. Current atrocities happening to the people of Gaza and the West Bank clearly show the colonial reality of life and death in Palestine. What we see daily in Palestine is a[…]

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54th National Day of Mourning Demands: ‘Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!’

By Workers World Boston Bureau posted on Workers World, November 28, 2023 Plymouth, Massachusetts ~Over 2,000 Indigenous people and their supporters — with thousands more in attendance via live stream — shut down business as usual in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 23 to commemorate the 54th National Day of Mourning (NDOM). Here — where millions of tourist dollars depend on[…]

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A call to free Leonard Peltier After 50 Years in Prison

by Phil Pasquini, published on Countercurrents, September 14, 2023 On Leonard Peltier’s 79th birthday, September 12 his family members along with hundreds of Native American activists and numerous supporters demonstrated at the White House calling on President Biden to grant him clemency so that he will not die in prison. Peltier, who was convicted in 1977 of killing two FBI[…]

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Inside the High-Security “Black Site” Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated

by Silja J. A. Talvi, published on Truthout,  September 28, 2023 nbeknownst to most protesters who gathered at the White House on the occasion of Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier’s 79th birthday, Peltier wasn’t able to celebrate, much less receive reports on how the well-attended event was progressing. That’s because Peltier, who is now spending his 48th year in[…]

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Treatment of Severe Mental Illness in the U.S. and Cuba – a Comparison

 by Sue Harris, published on Workers World, September 26, 2023 Two hundred years ago, people with serious mental illness (SMI) were often placed in prison because society didn’t know how to care for them. After reformers fought for more humane treatment for the mentally ill, their care moved to mental institutions in the 1800s. However, these large mental asylums were[…]

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Coalition Calls on the City of Chicago to Grant Permits for March on Democratic National Convention

by Zhenya Polozova, published on Fightback News, September 20, 2023 Chicago, IL – The Coalition to March on the DNC hosted a press conference at Chicago City Hall the morning of September 19, calling on the city to issue a previously-denied permit recognizing the right of working and oppressed people to march within sight and sound of the August 2024[…]

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CUBA Statement from Iranian Friends at HOLA

Statement by HOLA, September 25, 2023 Statement of the House of Latin America (HOLA) on the terrorist act against Cuban embassy in Washington Hours after more than thousand of people gathered in a meeting in New York city – with the presence of the Cuban president – to express solidarity with Cuban people and demand an end to brutal sanctions[…]

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