Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Call for Solidarity: FBI Raids African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, August 4, 2022 The United National Antiwar Coalition has initiated an important online petition to solicit solidarity with the APSP and the Uhuru Movement. The petition defends their right to freely associate with people around the world, to hold any political beliefs it may choose, and to express them without fear of intimidation,[…]

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War Within the War: The Fight Over Land and Genetically Engineered Agriculture

by Michael Cohen, published on Covert Action Magazine, May 31, 2022 This is an important article showing the depth of the conflict and what is really at stake for the future.  Russia rejects GMO agriculture!   While they are blaming Russia, the worlds largest producer of grain, for causing a ‘famine’ we see that Russia holds the key to avoiding future[…]

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Capitalism’s World Economic, Political and Social Crises and the Road to Fight Back

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 21, 2022 Today, world capitalism’s neo-liberal globalization is best characterized as a new form of organization where global value chains have become the dominant form of production, employing workers for one out of every five jobs on the planet. From low to high tech commodities, basic consumer goods to heavy capital equipment,[…]

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The Working Class and the Global Capitalist Crisis

by Larry Holmes, published on Workers World, May 23, 2022 The following excerpts are from remarks by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, at a May 19 New York City branch meeting.  Most bourgeois economists are now predicting a recession, which is a sharp downturn in the economy. A recession used to be considered cyclical, but this has changed,[…]

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A Statement On Ukraine From the Black Liberation Movement

Black liberation movement organizations issued a joint statement opposing US/NATO actions in Ukraine. Dismantle NATO Now! Rescind the $16B US Allocations to the Ukraine War! US Imperialism is the Main Danger to Peace, Sovereignty, and Justice for Peoples all Over The World! The ongoing crisis and war in Ukraine threatens to pull the world into a disastrous nuclear confrontation. Disinformation, lies,[…]

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A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything

by Ellen Brown,  published on Scheerpost, May 4, 2022 In ancient Mesopotamia, it was called a Jubilee. When debts at interest grew too high to be repaid, the slate was wiped clean. Debts were forgiven, the debtors’ prisons were opened, and the serfs returned to work their plots of land. This could be done because the king was the representative[…]

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Ukraine Update: Immediate Russian Oil, Gas Embargo Impossible, Says German Finance Minister

by Countercurrents Collective, published on Countercurrents, April 9, 2022 A broad survey of economic details from perspective of western press.  Not clarified is what it means to workers around the world, but seems like high prices, expensive credit, wage growth not able to keep up with these factors along with shortages of food and other material goods.  A major global[…]

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The Realities of Temp Work

by Eugene Puryear, published on Black Agenda Report, February 16, 2022 Poverty, wage theft, injuries, and even death are features of the temporary employment system. Black workers are over represented in temp work and are more likely to experience these abuses. There are 13 to 16 million temporary workers who find their jobs through staffing agencies. It’s a fairly major[…]

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Humanity Subsidizing ‘Our Own Extinction,’ Warns Study

by Julia Conley, published on Common Dreams, February 17, 2022 Releasing a new study showing that world governments spend at least $1.8 trillion annually to subsidize activities which worsen the climate crisis, global subsidies experts on Thursday said leaders must eliminate or redirect the financial supports as part of an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework at an upcoming summit in China.[…]

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