Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Uncle Sam Wants You to Kill and Die for the Empire

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, June 19, 2024 The Biden administration and congress work together in their efforts to secure what they think is U.S. domination. They are playing a dangerous game and now try to bring back a draft through sleight of hand.  The United States ended conscription, the military draft, in 1973. The all volunteer[…]

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The Military Elephant in the Room Will Lead to An Unjust Transition

by Pippa Bartolotti, published on the International Peace Bureau, December 2, 2023 Post-review of NATO Climate Killer Part 2: Climate Crossfire Webinar, recorded on December 2nd, 2023, during COP 28 As we navigate COP 28, this webinar addressed the pertinent issues of military spending and its environmental ramifications. Ably introduced by the Canadian policy analyst IPB Vice President Steven Staples,[…]

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Supporting New U.S. bases in the Philippines Isn’t an Option

by Bernadette Ellorin and Azadeh Shahshahani, published in The Progressive, March 20, 2023 The Philippines remains the largest recipient of U.S. military aid in the Indo-Pacific region, having received more than $1.14 billion in funding from 2015 to 2022. These bases were used in every major U.S. war in the twentieth century, as well as serving as “rest and recreation” sites[…]

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Which Way Forward For The Antiwar Movement

by John Catalinotto and Sara Flounders, March 13, 2023 Workers World Managing Editor John Catalinotto held an interview March 13 with Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center (IAC), a member of the Administrative Committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and contributing editor to Workers World, to discuss the developments of the past year of the war[…]

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Ukraine as Weapons Testing Site

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, A surprisingly frank article in The New York Times, “Western Allies Look to Ukraine as a Testing Ground for Weapons” describes how the imperial war machine is capitalising on the U.S. proxy war to test its weapons for future use. “Ukraine has become a testing ground for state-of-the-art weapons and information systems, and[…]

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U.S. Twin Billionaire Parties win 2022 Elections: How the System Really Works

by Jeff Mackler,  November 16, 2022 The 2022 U.S. midterm elections witnessed the twin parties of the ruling rich spending an unprecedented but nevertheless relatively paltry sum of $18 billion to determine which wing of capital will steal the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth created by working people. I say paltry because the stakes to the super rich in[…]

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Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 13, 2022 If the powerful leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senators Jack Reed (D) and Jim Inhofe (R), have their way, Congress will soon invoke wartime emergency powers to build up even greater stockpiles of Pentagon weapons. The amendment is supposedly designed to facilitate replenishing the weapons the United[…]

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US Increased Intelligence and Special Forces Operatives’ Presence in Ukraine

by Drago Bosnic, published on Organizing Notes, October 13, 2022  In addition to possible escalation with Moscow, these operations also contradict Joe Biden’s statements that the US will not send troops into Ukraine. The US intelligence presence in Ukraine has existed at least since the end of the Second World War. After the war was over, the CIA worked closely[…]

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