Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Denial of Mumia’s Appeal: An Affront to Basic Justice and the Law

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, April 3, 2023 Philadelphia Mumia Abu-Jamal, his family and his supporters around the world had every reason and right to hope that all their hard work would pay off in persuading Judge Lucretia Clemons from the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas to follow and apply the law, as has been done in[…]

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U.S. Uses Taiwan As a Pawn in War For China

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, April 4, 2023 While the U.S.-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine continues unabated, the U.S. is preparing at breakneck speed for war with China, using Taiwan as the excuse. Taiwan, like Ukraine, is a pawn. The military and economic threats on both China and Russia are a desperate bid to quash the emergence[…]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Returns

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 5, 2023 If democrats were smart, Donald Trump would be a disgraced former president, forgotten by all but his most ardent admirers. But they aren’t smart and they may have given him a political resurrection. Donald Trump is back in the news. He is facing a 34-count indictment for paying people[…]

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Why Zelensky Will NOT Take Back Crimea

by Rick Sterling, published on the LA Progressive, April 4, 2023 Seventeen months ago the US State Department officially declared the US will “NEVER” recognize Crimea as part of Russia. Three months ago Ukrainian President Zelensky vowed to “take back” Crimea. Is this possible? In June 2016 I visited Crimea with a delegation from the Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI).[…]

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The Simple Reason Why the U.S. Wants ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ of the Earth

by Roger McKenzie, produced by Globetrotter, March 31, 2023 Imagine the uproar if China or Russia—or any other country for that matter—said it aimed to exercise military control over land, sea, air, and space to protect its interests and investments. This amazingly has been the stated United States policy since 1997. Full spectrum dominance, as the doctrine is known, is[…]

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The Tragic U.S. Choice to Prioritize War Over Peacemaking

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 3, 2023 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. – Matthew 5:9 In a brilliant Op-Ed published in the New York Times, the Quincy Institute’s Trita Parsi explained how China, with help from Iraq, was able to mediate and resolve the deeply-rooted conflict between Iran[…]

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Human Rights Experts Call For Withdrawal Of Biased UN Report

by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, published on Popular Resistance, March 31, 2023 BTW, I signed it too:)  [jb] Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, has joined other human rights specialists in condemning an “expert” report on Nicaragua published on March 2nd as being unprofessional, biased, incomplete and concocted to justify further coercive sanctions that will damage Nicaragua’s[…]

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The War in Ukraine and How Africa Surprised the West

by Ted Snyder, published on, April 3, 2023 On March 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow. The meeting, at which the two leaders “reaffirm[ed] the special nature of the Russia-China partnership” may be a crucial moment in the emergence of the new multipolar world that is challenging US hegemony. But while the[…]

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US War Planners Court China’s Neighbors. What Would Buddha Say?

by Wei Yu and Marcy Winograd, April 4, 2023 The US continues to seek new asing agreements with small countries in the Far East, to pursue their reckless illegal attempts to “contain” China.  [jb] As the Pentagon steps up its war games in the Asia Pacific, Defense News reports the US Army has a logistical problem with waging a future[…]

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Mass French Strikes and Mobilizations Challenge Macron’s Pension Reform

By Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, March 31, 2023 What the corporate media ban from their coverage of the unfolding and ever massive French protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to add two years to the French retirement age, from 62 to 64, is the origin of the pension plan itself, perhaps the best in the world. This magnificent[…]

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