Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

GWU Student Senate Passes Divestment Resolution Despite Harassment

Student arrives at George Washington University divestment vote with a member of the anti-BDS group ‘Canary Mission’ (right) continuing efforts to intimidate students. (Photo: Divest This Time) by Jesse Rubin, originally posted on Mondoweiss, April 27 After being delayed a week because of threats to their safety, the George Washington University (GW) student Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution to divest[…]

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The Warmakers

Israel launched a major attack on Syria last night from the occupied Syrian Golan, and Syria retaliated.   The Israelis claimed to be attacking Iran, and they initiated the attack at the same time Trump was announcing the US withdrawal from the JCPOA.   But Syria was targeted and Syria retaliated.   The damages are hard to assess.  Syria was able to mitigate[…]

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The ‘Fake News’ Story is Fake News

by Phillip Weiss, originally published on Mondoweiss Almost every day on public radio or public television, I hear reports about how fake news is undermining our democracy. These high-minded reporters and anchors seem truly to believe that a feverish menace is overwhelming the minds of once-sensible people. This story is itself fake news for several obvious reasons. We’ve never had[…]

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Nicaragua: Next in Line for Regime Change?

The pattern is similar to events in Libya, Syria and Venezuela, where extreme right-wing political minorities conspired with foreign elites to overthrow the national status quo. Events in Nicaragua over the past week are clearly modeled on the kind of U.S.-led, NATO-driven regime change that succeeded in Libya, Ivory Coast and Ukraine, but has so far failed in Thailand, Syria[…]

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The Kim-Moon DMZ Summit

The Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula During this momentous period of historical transformation on the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the enduring aspiration of the Korean people for peace, prosperity and unification, President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of[…]

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Bad Drones

by Ted Krall, originally published on Counterpunch, 4/24/18 We have succumbed, in recent years, to technological passivity, the assumption that there’s nothing we can (or should) do about what an older generation used to call “progress.” But that’s not true. War goes on, yet most of the world’s nations came together to ban landmines. Mines, humanity decided, were a horror[…]

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Re-Centering Anti-War and Anti-Imperialism as Working Class Issues on May 1st

by Black Alliance for Peace, originally published on Black Agenda Report “We will never support U.S. imperialism in any of its adventures.” May 1st is recognized as International Workers’ Day throughout the world except in the most bourgeois of bourgeois nations — the United States. Yet, even though the capitalist oligarchy has tried to erase the day from the awareness[…]

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Spring antiwar actions protest U.S. bombing of Syria

by Jeff Mackler, originally published on Socialist Action Antiwar and social justice activists mobilized for the April 14 and 15 spring regional protests across the U.S. to demand an end to “U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad.” The broadly sponsored and nationally coordinated protests were organized in some 40 cities, in an effort initiated by the United National Antiwar Coalition[…]

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Heroic resistance continues to Israel’s blockade of Gaza

by Sam Ordóñez, originally published on Workers World Heroic demonstrations against the Israeli occupation of Gaza continued on April 28 for the fifth week. Every Friday since March 30, the Great March of Return has brought thousands of demonstrators, armed only with their unbreakable resolve, to the militarized fence surrounding the Palestinian enclave. The demonstrations are scheduled to continue until[…]

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Windrush and Britain’s Crimes Against Black People

People gather for a Windrush generation solidarity protest in Brixtron, London, Britain, 20 April 2018. As claims emerge that the Home Office destroyed thousands of landing cards documenting the arrival of windrush-era migrants, communities in Brixton gathered in Windrush Square in solidarity with those threatened with deportation, sacking and the removal of healthcare as result of the governments ‘hostile environment’[…]

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