Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

A Peoples’ Victory — Alex Saab is Free and Home in Venezuela!

bu Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 21, 2023 Alex Saab is free and home in Venezuela. For three and a half years (1,280 days), Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat, had been held in torturous conditions by the U.S. government. (The author traveled to Cabo Verde in June 2021 in a delegation with Roger Harris and Bishop Felipe Teixeira in[…]

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Guyana-Venezuela Dispute: Understanding the background and Opposing war

by Francisco Dominguez, published on Countercurrents, December 18, 2023 If there were any misgivings about the actions undertaken by the government of Venezuela around the territorial dispute with Guyana, the joint military exercises between Guyana Defence Forces (GDF) and the US Southern Command (SouthCom) explain what really lies behind things. Venezuela’s claimed territory, also known as Guayana Esequiba, is 159,500 square kilometres[…]

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How the Campaign to Free Venezuelan Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded

by Roger D. Harris, published on Dissident Voice, December 21, 2023 Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as “a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy.” The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington’s illegal economic coercive measures, also known[…]

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ExxonMobil And a Possible War in South America

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, December 5, 2023 News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Mon. Dec. 4, 2023: On December 3, 2023, a large number of registered voters in Venezuela voted in a referendum over the Essequibo region that is disputed with neighboring Guyana. Nearly all those who voted answered yes to the five questions. These questions asked the Venezuelan people to affirm[…]

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Alex Saab is Free: A victory Over US Imperialist Sanctions

by staff, published on Fight Back! News, December 20, 2023 Miami, FL – Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat, is now free after long negotiations between Venezuela’s government and the U.S. State Department. Saab flew back to Venezuela on Wednesday, December 20 into the waiting arms of his wife, Camilla Fabri Saab. He will be able to hug his children after[…]

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Stop the Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinian People!

Statement from Venezuelan Unions, published on Labor Today, October 21, 2023 We, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CUTV) and the Frente Nacional de Lucha de la Clase Trabajadora (FNLCT),  strongly and categorically condemn the genocidal assault of the Zionist government. We strongly and categorically condemn the genocidal attack by the Zionist State of Israel against the Palestinian people. […]

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AMLO: US Blockade Against Cuba and Venezuela Behind Migration Crisis

from Orinoco Tribune, October 4, 2023 Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed the United States’ sanctions and blockade policy against Cuba and Venezuela as the cause of increased regional migration. During his daily press conference on Monday, October 2, López Obrador directly linked US imperialist foreign policy in Latin America to the 10,000 daily arrivals of migrants at the[…]

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United States: End detention of Venezuelan Special Envoy, UN experts say

published on the Alliance for Global Justice website, September 27, 2023 GENEVA (27 September 2023) – UN experts* today urged the government of the United States of America to end the prolonged pre-trial detention of Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Venezuelan Special Envoy, arrested and extradited to the US on money laundering charges. Saab was appointed as a Special Envoy[…]

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Where is the Outrage?

by Maria Paez Victor, published on Counterpunch, September 22, 2023 “How about we’re buying oil from Venezuela? When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would’ve taken it over; we would have gotten all that oil; it would’ve been right next door. But now we’re buying oil from Venezuela, we’re making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this?[…]

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How U.S. Sanctions Are a Tool of War: The Case of Venezuela

by Celina della Croce, published on MROnline, August 18, 2023 On March 26, 2022, Francisco lay in a public hospital bed in Bolívar, Venezuela, roughly eight hours inland from the capital of Caracas. He had been waiting for more than twenty-four hours to be seen by a doctor for fluids filling his stomach in a hot room with no fan[…]

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