Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, April 7, 2023 In late February 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job since—by convention—the U.S. nominee is automatically selected for the[…]

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Threat of More U.N. Sanctions on Haiti

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, January 6, 2023 While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have intensified over the past few months. According to Helen La Lime, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH (U.N. Integrated Office in Haiti), “Close[…]

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Environmental Racism Leads to Water Crisis in Jackson, Mississippi

by Molly Rosenzweig, published on Socialist Action, September 5, 2022 Residents of Jackson, Mississippi, a city of 150,000 that is 82.5 percent Black, have not had reliable access to clean water for five days. On Monday, the Pearl River flooded from extreme rainfall, and caused the main water treatment plant to fail, resulting in low to no water pressure. A[…]

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Haiti Under the Gun

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, July 25, 2022 In the current situation in Haiti, organized groups — invariably called gangs by the bourgeois media — often have more and heavier weapons than the Haitian cops. Some of these “gangs” were created to profit from extortion and kidnapping, like the “400 Mawozo” who grabbed 17 missionaries in December 2021[…]

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Response to Buffalo Massacre: Smash White Supremacy

by Nigel Bouvart, published on Workers World, May 16, 2022 On the state response to the Buffalo massacre.    [jb] On the evening of May 14, a fascist carrying a rifle entered a supermarket in the predominantly Black neighborhood of Masten Park on Buffalo’s East Side and opened fire. While most official statements have more or less vaguely alluded to “racial[…]

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Why ‘Bolivia Is the Center of the World’ for People’s Movements

by Rogelio Mayta, produced by Globetrotter,  May 14, 2022 Humanity finds itself at a crucial moment. It’s not only war and climate change that threaten life on our planet. Ideologies and some people do too. We know that money and the production of wealth and well-being have created an ever greater and more profound gap between people, neighborhoods, cities and[…]

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The War in Ukraine and its Effects on Latin America and the Caribbean

by Carlos Mauricio Ferolla and Marcelo Depieri , published on Resumen,  March 23, 2022 On February 24, war broke out in Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian army. The war has a global impact on a multipolar international system, hyperconnected and in a critical state, undergoing a process of hegemonic transition from the West to the East. The military[…]

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Why the U.S. Still Suffers from COVID

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 1, 2021 Donald Trump was the convenient scapegoat for the first year of the Covid-19 crisis. Austerity, low wage work, housing insecurity, and the profit driven health care system were problematic issues before anyone heard the word Covid-19 or indeed before Trump’s presidency. Every failing of the United States already in[…]

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US Imperialist Boot on Haiti

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, March 23, 2021 On Feb. 28, thousands of Haitians marched through the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other cities across the country to demand that the de facto President Jovenal Moïse and his corrupt crony capitalist blood-stained oligarchy step down. A relentless, arrogant U.S. imperialism is putting its money – once again – on this[…]

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US Antiwar Leader Addresses World Peace Council Regional Meeting

by Bahman Azad, published on ML Today, October 23, 2020 Remarks to the World Peace Council Regional Meeting, Cuba, October 14, 2020 Fraternal greetings to all of our comrades and friends. Thanks to MOVPAZ [Cuban Movement for Peace and Solidarity of the Peoples] and especially to Comrade Silvio Platero for organizing this Regional Meeting of the WPC. I am deeply[…]

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