Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Chicago Authorities Want a “Conversation” With the Poor People’s Army About the DNC 2024

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2024 I spoke to Cheri Honkala of the Poor People’s Army , also known as the Poor People’s Campaign for Economic Human Rights. ANN GARRISON: Cheri, tell us about what you experienced in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention. CHERI HONKALA: I’ve never experienced anything like it. I attempted to serve[…]

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BAP Afghanistan News Update, April 11th, 2024

by the Black Alliance for Peace Afghanistan News Update, April 11, 2024 Although most westerners have forgotten about Afghanistan, the US war on the Afghan people continues.  [jb] Though the start of 2024 may have signaled the beginning of a new year, Afghanistan continues to endure the decades-long denial of its sovereignty by the United States. U.S.-led regime change to[…]

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Nicaragua: the Path to Independence

by Roger McKenzie, published in Morning Star, August 4, 2023 The years under neoliberalism in Nicaragua saw trade union rights stripped away, collective bargaining agreements junked and, as trade union strength waned, living standards plummeted. The 1980s saw massive investment in essential services after the 1979 revolution by the Sandinistas. This brought about major advances in education and healthcare as[…]

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Haiti: U.N. Sanctioned Occupation is a Done Deal

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, August 18, 2023 The U.S. government has finally found a country in the Global South willing to lead a U.N.-approved intervention “to assist Haitian police in restoring security.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed Aug. 1 on X (formerly Twitter): “We commend the government of Kenya for responding to Haiti’s call.” Since Kenyan[…]

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No to U.S./U.N. Military Occupation in Haiti! No U.S. Aid to Haiti Dictatorship

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, May 6, 2023 U.S. imperialism and its U.N. proxies have not yet decided who would take part in the third imperialist  occupation of Haiti but the answer may come soon. An intervention will surely be pitched as a “humanitarian” multi-national mission to curb Haiti’s rampant gang violence, mass hunger and a re-emerging cholera[…]

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Food Cuts Show Women Bear Brunt of Deepening Economic Crisis

 by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, March 16, 2023 No matter how large or small, no class struggle can be put into its social context without understanding the current global capitalist economic crisis. Neoliberal policies flow from long-term and short-term fluctuations within the capitalist system, which no ruling class can ultimately control. There used to be periods of ebbs[…]

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The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, April 7, 2023 In late February 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job since—by convention—the U.S. nominee is automatically selected for the[…]

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Threat of More U.N. Sanctions on Haiti

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, January 6, 2023 While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have intensified over the past few months. According to Helen La Lime, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH (U.N. Integrated Office in Haiti), “Close[…]

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Environmental Racism Leads to Water Crisis in Jackson, Mississippi

by Molly Rosenzweig, published on Socialist Action, September 5, 2022 Residents of Jackson, Mississippi, a city of 150,000 that is 82.5 percent Black, have not had reliable access to clean water for five days. On Monday, the Pearl River flooded from extreme rainfall, and caused the main water treatment plant to fail, resulting in low to no water pressure. A[…]

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