Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

President Xiomara Castro: ‘Honduras Belongs to the People’

by Alejandra Garcia, published on Resumen English, September 15, 2024 The government of Honduran President Xiomara Castro is under siege. “A plot is being hatched against my government,” she warned at the end of the week, after announcing the government’s decision to cancel the extradition treaty with the United States, in force since 1912. The announcement of this measure led[…]

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Imperialism: Everywhere You Look

by Karlos Berman, published on Socialist Action, September 2, 2024 On August 27, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador [photo above] announced that his country had “paused” relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada. He stressed that the “pause” applied to the embassies and not to the countries themselves, whatever that may mean or imply. Some news[…]

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The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America

by Roger D. Harris, published on Resumen English, July 13, 2022 While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden’s June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia elected its first left-leaning president, following similar victories in[…]

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Hondurans Repudiate Corrupt U.S.-Backed Coup Regime at Polls

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, December 1, 2021 Another exciting win in Latin America.  However, the vulnerabilities of the moment shadow the bright possibilities.  [jb] Honduras’-twelve-year nightmare prompted by a U.S.-backed coup came to an end this week with the election of Xiomara Castro as the country’s new president, with 68 percent voter turnout. Thousands of Hondurans[…]

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Honduras Said Enough and Opened its Doors to New Hope

by Alejandra Garcia, published on Resumen English, November 30, 2021 Honduras went to the polls last Sunday amid a process of historic importance. People flocked to the polling stations, despite political violence and fears induced by the narco regime of outgoing President Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH). Opposition candidate Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, from the Liberty and Refoundation Party (Libre), obtained[…]

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Biden Continues Trump’s Policies on Refugees

by  Barry Shepherd, published on Socialist Action, July 11, 2021 Despite promises made during his election campaign, Biden in office is continuing Trump’s policies on refugees fleeing the horrific conditions in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, conditions flowing from U.S. imperialist policies. An article in the June 26 New York Times reported, “Human rights and immigration advocates have assailed the Biden administration[…]

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Washington’s Role in Berta Cáceres’ 2016 Murder in Honduras

by Ted Kelly, published on Workers World, March 29 2021 It has been five years since the assassination of Berta Cáceres — an environmental activist from the Lenca people, a founder and leader of the Council of Indigenous and Popular Organizations of Honduras. Though some of her killers have been identified and convicted, the governments and corporations that hired and[…]

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Biden’s ‘Plan’ for Central America

by Ben Norton, published on Consortium News, March 10, 2020 The Biden administration has prioritized Central America in its foreign policy, developing a comprehensive plan that pledges $4 billion in funding for the impoverished region, along with foreign corporate investment, in return for aggressive neoliberal “free market” reforms. According to the Biden administration’s program, Central American governments will be required to[…]

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Interview with President Manuel Zelaya on 10th Anniversary of Overthrow by US

Image: Children stand at the front of their family’s one-room home in an impoverished neighborhood on August 19, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras by Anya Pamampil, published on the Grayzone: July 1, 2019 The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil sat down for an exclusive interview with Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, on the 10th anniversary of the US-backed right-wing military coup that[…]

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