Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Philadelphia pro-Palestine Protests Target Weapons Manufacturers

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, April 9, 2924 The Palestine Federation of Trade Unions has requested that workers around the world carry out protests against companies that manufacture the weapons used by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. In response, opponents of the Israeli offensive protested in early April against two weapons manufacturers headquartered in Philadelphia. Ghost Robotics, which[…]

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Israel Launches Massive Deadly Attack on West Bank City of Jenin

from Israel-Palestine News, a project of If Americans Knew, July 3, 2023 The Israeli military launched a huge attack on the Palestinian city of Jenin, targeting members of the Palestinian resistance against Israel’s occupation and oppression. At least eight Palestinians have been shot dead and over 50 have been injured. The invasion included over 150 armored vehicles and 1,000 ground[…]

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First Somali Congressperson Legitimizes AFRICOM and US Drone War

by Netfa Freeman and Tunde Osazua, published on Black Agenda Report, May 13, 2020 Rep. Omar recently commended the US war machine for increasing the “transparency” and “accountability” of its bombing of her native country. “Instead of this being an asset to expose AFRICOM and to the decolonization Africa, Rep. Omar validates the role of AFRICOM.” United States representatives, no[…]

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Drones over Djibouti

Featured Image:  Haven’t heard about any recent drone strikes?  US Drone Strikes are up 432% under Donald Trump and Military infrastructure for Drones is growing like crazy in Africa. by Lion Summerbell , Published on Democratic Socialists of America, June 26, 2019 With 34 military bases, the U.S. is scrambling for influence in Africa On August 7, 1998, simultaneous explosions[…]

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“Alexa, Drop A Bomb”: Amazon Wants In On US Warfare

Above Photo: The acquisitive impulses of hundreds of millions could become the stuff of their imprisonment or death.JARED RODRIGUEZ / TRUTHOUT Amazon is seeking to build a global “brain” for the Pentagon called JEDI, a weapon of unprecedented surveillance and killing power, a profoundly aggressive weapon that should not be allowed to be created. Founded in 1994 as an online bookseller,[…]

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Ending the War in Yemen- Congressional Resolution is Not Enough!

Image: A man walks past a graffiti, denouncing strikes by U.S. drones in Yemen, painted on a wall in Sanaa November 13, 2014. Yemeni authorities have paid out tens of thousands of dollars to victims of drone strikes using U.S.-supplied funds, a source close to Yemen’s presidency said, echoing accounts by legal sources and a family that lost two members[…]

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On the Road for Peace (Part 1)

by Phil Wilayto,  June 29, 2018 See “My Peace Travels Around Europe”  Part 2: Civil Resistance at Ramstein,   Part 3: From Belgium: the Lands the Congolese Made Rich, Part 4: No to NATO; Yes to NHS It’s a beautiful evening here in Kaisaerslauten, a city of some 100,000 in southwestern Germany. There’s a light breeze blowing, gently nudging the thousands[…]

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Google, drone murder and the military-intelligence-censorship complex

by Andre Damon, originally published on the World Socialist Website, May 19, 2018 The publication of this week’s open letter by leading academics protesting Google’s role in the military’s drone assassination program exposes the close partnership between the major technology giants and the US military/intelligence complex. The letter, now signed by nearly 1,000 academics, declares that “Google has moved into[…]

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