Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Predicting Pestilence

by Kathy Kelly, published on LA Progressive, December 4, 2023 World Health Organization now says disease could be even deadlier than airstrikes in Gaza. Speaking from a hospital ward about fifty meters from where a bomb had just exploded, UNICEF spokesperson James Elder raised his voice over the sound of children screaming. In a video posted on X (formerly known[…]

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The World in Solidarity with Palestine

by Julia Wright, published on Workers World, November 3, 2023 African American diplomat Linda Thomas Greenfield, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, arrived at the Security Council Oct. 18 dressed to the hilt and prepared to raise a war-mongering hand that will go down in history. The resolution would have allowed “humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Hamas[…]

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Israel Declares Most of Humanity Illegitimate and Irrelevant

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, November 1, 2023 After 120 members of the 193 members of the UN General Assembly called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Israel demonstrated its increasing isolation by declaring the UN illegitimate and irrelevant. Both the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly continue to grapple with the Israel/Hamas War, also[…]

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US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 31, 2023 On Friday, October 27, the nations of the world voted in the UN General Assembly, by a vote of 120 to 14, for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities” in Gaza. The resolution was sponsored by the government of sometime U.S. ally[…]

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November 3: Today’s news on Palestine & Israel

by If Americans Knew, published on Israel Palestine News, October 3, 2023 Latest casualty figures, humanitarian update, incidents in Gaza and West Bank, Israel: “Nothing will stop us,” US government’s broad support. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. For more news, go here and here. Live broadcast news from the region is here.* Latest statistics: Palestinian death toll 8,896* (8,756 in Gaza** (including at[…]

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Civil Resistance is Alive and Well

Codepink struck on the East and West coasts recently: The vigil outside Nancy Pelosi’s home finally caught her attention when Toby Blome and Lydie Abood laid down under the front wheels of her van: Video by videographer Peter Menchini.  Tobey Blome’s elaboration of the moment: A couple of us arrived in the early morning to find several black SUVs (Capitol[…]

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The Next Aggression that the U.S. is Preparing against Venezuela

from Mision Verdad, translated and published on Resumen English, July 21, 2023 This year, the legislative arm in Washington has introduced three bills in the U.S. Congress against Venezuela: the Prohibition of Transactions and Leases with Venezuela’s Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime Act, the Venezuelan Human Rights “AFFECT” Act and the Venezuelan Democracy Act. The bills have a common denominator: to further[…]

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Mainstream Media Colludes with U.S. Government To Conceal Source of Syria’s Heartbreaking Humanitarian Crisis

by Jeremey Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, June 30, 2023 Illegal U.S. bombing raids, brutal economic sanctions, and incredibly brazen theft by U.S. forces of 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil per day (80% of its total output) have visited a biblical-scale tragedy upon the Syrian people that has battered them virtually back to the stone age. Following a devastating earthquake in February[…]

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Inconvenient Truths Confront Biden

Editorial from Workers World, June 28, 2023 It is amusing to see  Biden mimicking the language that Putin and Xi use to describe the relationship between Russia and China.  It is also notable that Narendra Modi was personally banned from entering the United States for a number of years from the time he instigated a Hindu on Muslim pogrom in[…]

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