Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Venezuela Denounces Siege to its US Embassy in Violation of the Vienna Convention

Venezuelan Ambassador Samual Moncada and Tighe Berry of CodePink held a Press Conference at the United Nations on May 16, 2019 The ambassador of Venezuela to the United Nations ( UN ), Samuel Moncada, denounced on Wednesday from the headquarters of the agency in New York, United States ( USA ), the continuing violation of the Vienna Convention governing diplomatic[…]

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UNAC Statement on the Proposed Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Syria

UNAC Statement President Trump announced, this week, that he is going to withdraw all troops from Syria immediately. It is unlikely he will end all military actiity in Syria. There is too much invested in the region. UNAC strongly supports any decision that will bring us closer to an end of the illegal 5 year occupation of Syria by U.S.[…]

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We Can End The US War On Syria

Above: No War In Syria demonstration 2013 in Los Angeles, CA. Photograph by David Mcnew for Getty By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance Newsletter, December 23, 2018 The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment,[…]

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It’s About Time for the U.S. to Exit Syria and Afghanistan

Statement on U.S. exit from Syrian War by Black Alliance for Peace A real panic exists among the militarists and flunkeys of the military-industrial complex: They are concerned the U.S. president has gone completely off the ruling-class imperialist script. We find that hard to believe, since a move away from militarism and violence would indicate a fundamental departure from the[…]

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Veterans For Peace Statement on Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria

VfP December 22 –  Veterans For Peace is pleased to hear that President Trump has ordered a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, where they had no legal right to be in the first place. Whatever the reasoning, withdrawing U.S. troops is the right thing to do. It is incorrect to characterize the U.S. military intervention in Syria as[…]

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Any Attack on Syria is International Gangsterism

by  Ajamu Baraka,  National Organizer for Black Alliance for Peace APRIL 10, 2018—The pending military intervention into Syria by the United States represents yet another case of unilateral illegality that continues the systematic assault on international law and morality that has characterized U.S. foreign policies since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, when the United States[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces APRIL 2, 2018—A reported 17,000 Palestinians peacefully marched in Gaza on March 30 as they made their historic demand for a right to return to their ancestral lands when they were met by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) snipers who opened fire, killing 17 people and wounding[…]

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