Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Stop Illegal Weapons Transfers to Israel – Enforce the Leahy Law!

Call to Action from Nick Mottern and Kathy Kelly, November 22, 2023 Due to the horrific events in Gaza, we call on all United States citizens to engage in nonviolent action to blockade weapons manufacturers violating the Leahy Law  (Section 362 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code) which prohibits the U.S. Government from using funds for assistance to units of foreign security forces where there[…]

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White House Orders Pentagon Airstrikes on Eastern Syria

by Abayome Azikiwe, published on Global Research, November 9, 2023 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says the aerial attacks on a purported weapons storage facility follows previous actions on October 27 in response to the escalation of attacks on United States bases by resistance forces in solidarity with the people of Gaza * As the White House continues to suggest[…]

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Movement Growing Worldwide to Demand a Ceasefire Now!

Statement from Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC), November 13, 2023 As of November 13, the number of people killed in Gaza since the beginning of the Zionist regime’s devastating genocidal campaign on October 7 is 11,078 people, including 4,506 children and 3,027 women. A child is killed on average every 10 minutes in the Gaza Strip, the Director-General World Health Organization[…]

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Continuing Actions Demand A Ceasefire in Gaza

Palestine Solidarity actions are ongoing across the United States and around the globe.   Here are just a few gathered today: November 11: Massive pro-Palestinian rally in London numbers 300K, police say Armistice Day  in London. They tried to stop us … they failed … spectacularly Hundreds of thousands on the streets of London for #Palestine ????????#CeasefireNow #FreePalestine — Stop[…]

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International Delegation in Cairo Demands Opening of Rafah Border Crossing

Press Release, published on Workers World, November 12, 2023 Susan Abulhawa: +1.267.391.5386, Suzanne Adely: +1.773.510.7446.  UNAC AC member Sara Flounders is in Egypt with this group, working to get aid into Gaza through the Rafah crossing.  Hopefully we will have a report-back from the scene very soon. We are an international delegation of writers, lawyers, journalists, activists, students and organizers[…]

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On Gaza

by The Virginia Defenders of Freedom, Justice and Equality, published in the Virginia Defender, October 8 , 2023 (Autumn 2023 Edition) This Nov. 2 marked 106 years since one Englishman gave another Englishman the right to establish a “homeland” for his people. The first Englishman was Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, the second was Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British[…]

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Civil Resistance is Alive and Well

Codepink struck on the East and West coasts recently: The vigil outside Nancy Pelosi’s home finally caught her attention when Toby Blome and Lydie Abood laid down under the front wheels of her van: Video by videographer Peter Menchini.  Tobey Blome’s elaboration of the moment: A couple of us arrived in the early morning to find several black SUVs (Capitol[…]

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FREE PALESTINE! All Out Saturday, November 4

Socialist Action, October 29, 2023 All Out Saturday, November 4, Washington, D.C.! 2pm Freedom, Plaza Comrades and Friends, Unprecedented massive protests for the Palestinian people around the world are inspiring a new generation of activists. United front mass mobilizations everywhere are critical. Spread the word! In the US the next mass mobilization is set for Saturday, November 4 in Washington,[…]

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A Veto From Hell

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, October 25, 2023 On October 16, the Russian Federation introduced a draft resolution at the UN Security Council (UNSC) calling for an “immediate, durable and fully respected humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.” In hopes of getting it passed, they avoided placing blame on either Israel or Hamas. Twelve Arab nations and eight more[…]

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