Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Amazon Union Victory Part of Growing Workers’ Solidarity Movement

by Tony Murphy, published on Workers World, April 5, 2022 The growing movement for union rights received a shot in the arm with the inspiring winning election of the Staten Island, New York, Amazon warehouse workers, in a decisive victory against the vehemently anti-union Amazon April 1. The significance of this victory, in which solidarity from socialists played a big[…]

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Mumia and His Mighty Pebbles

by Julia Wright, published on Workers World, March 31, 2022 Some years back Prison Radio quoted a progressive judge as saying that we had reached: “the twilight of evil.” Half a century ago, George Jackson told us: “Fascism is here.” We were devastated by his murder, but did we really heed his words? Because heeding them would have involved making[…]

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Without Even Realizing How We Were Being Played, Could This Be Russiagates Checkmate

by Jacqueline Luqman, published on Black Agenda Report, March 2, 2022 Tales of Donald Trump collusion with Vladimir Putin absolved the democrats of electoral blame, and supported the war party in its attacks on Russia. Yet it was the democratic administration of Barack Obama which first made common cause with the Ukrainian right wing and set the stage for military[…]

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Eric Adams’ Black on Black Crime

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, February 9, 2022 The mass incarceration state was built to lock up as many Black people as possible and discussion of even modest reforms is shut down. Such was the case in New York where the mayor and police commissioner smeared Manhattan’s district attorney, forcing him to backtrack on his campaign promise[…]

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The Hypocrisy of the ‘Diplomatic Boycott’ of the 2022 Beijing Olympics

by Charles Xu, from Globetrotter, February 2, 2022 Which human rights matter enough to put politics above sports? For decades, the United States and its European allies have gotten to decide the answer at their convenience. On February 4, the 2022 Winter Olympics are set to open in Beijing. With this, the Chinese capital will become the first city to[…]

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Crisis or Confusion? A Brief Guide for Black Folks (And Other AntiRacist People) On the Situation in Ukraine

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, February 2, 2022 African people are already battling against U.S. rightist forces – from the Trump/Republican supporters to the warmongering neoliberal democrats. It would be an affront to our history and people to enter this struggle on the side of empire and NATO. Within large sectors of the U.S. left, including many[…]

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Exonerations Reveal FBI’s Leading Role in Malcolm X Assassination

by Malik Miah, published on Socialist Action, November 29, 2021 “I do not need this court, these prosecutors, or a piece of paper to tell me I am innocent,” said Muhammad Aziz, who spent two decades in prison for the 1965 murder of revolutionary Black rights leader Malcolm X. Incredibly, a federal judge in Manhattan, New York, on November 18 exonerated[…]

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Rittenhouse and Verdict Mania

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 23, 2021 Black people give great attention to certain court cases in hopes of receiving justice when the system is designed to be unjust. That recognition and the commitment to fighting back will be of greater use than divining conclusions about a racist nation when juries reach verdicts. Every high-profile trial[…]

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