Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The United Arab Emirates is Destroying the Biodiversity of a Yemeni Archipelago.

by Mouna Hashem and Martha Mundy, Published on Counterpunch, December 1, 2023 Environmental destruction entails two intertwined processes: climate change and the destruction of biodiversity, which mutually reinforce each other. Both are human-caused. Climate change is not the lead driver of biodiversity loss; it is human overexploitation of natural resources and habitat destruction. Protecting biodiversity protects against climate change. Nowhere is the[…]

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New Mood In The World Will Put An End To The Global Monroe Doctrine

by Vijay Prashad, produced by  Tricontinental, November 24, 2023 Every day since 7 October has felt like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Istanbul, a million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across Africa and Latin America to demand an end to the brutal attack being carried out by Israel (with the collusion of the[…]

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Israelis Keep Hurting Their Own PR Interests By Talking

by Caitlin Johnstone, published in Caitlin Johnstone’s Newsletter, November 13, 2023 One problem Israel keeps running into is how the institutionalized dehumanization of Palestinians which keeps the apartheid state operational also causes Israelis to say things that non-Israelis will find extremely shocking, which hurts Israel’s PR interests. We saw this illustrated in a recent New Yorker interview with Daniella Weiss,[…]

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War Looks Just as War Looks: Dismal and Ugly

by Vijay Prashad, published on The Tricontinental Institute, November 2, 2023 It is impossible to look away from what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank. Waves of Israeli aircraft pummel Gaza, destroying communications networks and thereby preventing families from reaching each other, journalists from reporting on the destruction, and[…]

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The World in Solidarity with Palestine

by Julia Wright, published on Workers World, November 3, 2023 African American diplomat Linda Thomas Greenfield, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, arrived at the Security Council Oct. 18 dressed to the hilt and prepared to raise a war-mongering hand that will go down in history. The resolution would have allowed “humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Hamas[…]

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Rome Peace Conference Declares: U.S., Allies Provoked War in Ukraine, Stop NATO!

Statement published on Workers World, October 28, 2023 Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on Oct. 27 and 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace. The[…]

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The US Has Betrayed Egypt Again

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, October 25, 2023 The U.S. has not only betrayed Egypt.  It has made a deal to counter China and centralize India, but it requires the wealthy Arab states to normalize with Israel.  Given the current situation, this may quickly fall apart.   Maintaining the entire population of Palestine in a free fire zone may[…]

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AMLO: US Blockade Against Cuba and Venezuela Behind Migration Crisis

from Orinoco Tribune, October 4, 2023 Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed the United States’ sanctions and blockade policy against Cuba and Venezuela as the cause of increased regional migration. During his daily press conference on Monday, October 2, López Obrador directly linked US imperialist foreign policy in Latin America to the 10,000 daily arrivals of migrants at the[…]

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A Political History of Zionism and Palestine

by Charles Pierce, published on Dissident Voice, October 10, 2023 1. Doctrine. Zionism was devised by some middle-class Jewish Europeans (most prominently Lev Pinsker and Theodore Herzl) as one response to horrendous late 19th century anti-Jewish persecutions in Europe. Like many of their contemporaries among nationalistic privileged-class European intellectuals and like the Nazis who came later, the Zionists conceived of[…]

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