Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Mobilize to Stop Israeli’s Palestine Genocide!

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, October 16, 2023 End All Aid to Zionist, Colonial, Apartheid Israel! For a democratic secular Palestine from the river to the sea with the unconditional right of return of all dispossessed Palestinians – a society, where all people can live in peace as equals! The history of European colonization, not to mention the[…]

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Frequently Asked Questions, Answers, and Documentation on Gaza

An evolving document compiled by young Palestinian media activists, published on, as of October 18, 2023 (Recommended by Mazin Qumseyah) 1. What is the background on Israel/Palestine? Israel was built on top of Palestine through the ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians, a long-standing Zionist policy that resulted in 8 million Palestinians becoming refugees or displaced people and the[…]

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Jacksonville Stands With Palestine

from Fight Back! News, October 18, 2023 Jacksonville, FL – Over 500 people took the streets, October 14, to march in support of the Palestinian liberation movement against Israeli occupation. Demonstrators held Palestinian flags and chanted “Free free, Palestine.” While the crowd was majority Arab, people from all backgrounds and ages joined the fight. The crowd was energetic and steadfast[…]

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Thousands take the streets of Milwaukee in support of Palestine

from Fightback! News, October 13, 2023 Milwaukee, WI – Nearly 2000 people joined a mass demonstration organized by the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee on Wednesday evening to show support for the people of Palestine as they resist the Israeli occupation. People of all ages, draped in keffiyehs and carrying Palestine flags, flooded the streets of downtown Milwaukee behind a banner reading[…]

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Global Solidarity with Palestine (last Updated 10/22)

There were some large protests in the U.S. In NYC there were 10,000 people: Massive rally for Palestine in NYC — BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) October 14, 2023 And the same for San Francisco: SAN FRANCISCO. Emergency Protest: All Out for Palestine — Alyssa Kang (@1alyssakang) October 9, 2023 ????#BREAKING: At least 10,000 people have taken to the streets[…]

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All Out For Assange! Emergency Actions If He Is Extradited

By Assange Frontline Defense, Popular Resistance. Emergency Actions to Support Julian Assange if he is Extradited to the United States As Julian Assange’s options to appeal the decision to extradite him to the United States are being exhausted, he could be extradited as early as the beginning of October. We must be prepared to support him and fight for his[…]

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The Global Monroe Doctrine

by David Swanson, published in World Beyond War,  September 9, 2023 Remarks for second session of Kateri Peace Conference, September 9, 2023 Two hundred years ago this coming December, a local boy from my town gave a speech. In the years that followed pundits and politicians took an excerpt of that speech, carved it in marble, lit it with eternal[…]

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Citizens Rally Outside Artillery Factory in President Biden’s Hometown that Produces Parts of Cluster Bombs Destined To Kill Eastern Ukrainians and Russians

by Jack Gilroy, published on CovertAction Magazine, August 26, 2023 Yes, this is a drop in the bucket.  We need hundreds and thousands and millions of drops to reach our goal of ending war….. so please join the UNAC call for activities between September 30 and October 7.  [jb] Cluster Bombs Have Killed at Least 67,000 Vietnamese Since the Vietnam[…]

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U.S. Citizens Join Runway Occupation at NATO Nuclear Air Base Volkel, Netherland

According to Wikipedia:  “It is believed that since the early 1960s, USAF nuclear weapons have been stored at Volkel Air Base, to be used by the host nation’s aircraft.” “The USAF 703rd Munitions Support Squadron (703rd MUNSS) is in charge of maintaining and securing the weapons.  As of 2008, 22 B61 nuclear bombs are believed to be in storage at[…]

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Activists Demand Biden and Congress End War on Korea

by Joe Piette, published on Workers World, August 2, 2023 Washington D.C.~ A National Mobilization to End the Korean War drew hundreds of people to several events here on July 27 and 28. July 27 was the 70th anniversary of the 1953 armistice that ended combat in the Korean War. That agreement — among the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea[…]

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