Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!


by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, January 8, 2023 In an interview with the Useful Idiots podcast not too long ago, Noam Chomsky repeated his argument that the only reason we hear the word “unprovoked” every time anyone mentions Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the mainstream news media is because it absolutely was provoked, and they know it. “Right now, if you’re[…]

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Antiwar activist faces repression in Germany

by Phil Wilayto, December 31, 2022 June 22, 2022, was the 81st anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, and a prominent German antiwar activist took the occasion to publicly question why the German government is now supporting neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine. As a result, that activist is now facing the possibility of up to three years in[…]

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Silent Killer: The Seige of Yemen

by Richard Medhurst, published on Richard’s Substack, May 11, 2022 This article gives a useful elaboration of the way that sanctions work to undermine the economy of a targeted country and the welfare of the people who live there.   Denial of fuel undermines all social services, not just personal consumption.  This issue affects numerous other countries in the region,[…]

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Anger as Miami Judge Rules Against Freedom for Alex Saab

by Staff at Fightback News, published December 27, 2022 Miami, FL – A Miami judge ruled against freedom for Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab on December 24. In a two-week-long hearing to determine Saab’s diplomatic status and his right to immunity from prosecution, Saab’s defense team presented stacks of evidence proving his status as a special envoy. The defense even used[…]

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Perú, Argentina, México: Lessons of Coups and ‘Lawfare’ in Latin America

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, December 13, 2022 Coup in Perú Dec. 7. “Lawfare” in Argentina Dec. 6. Confrontation in Mexico Nov. 27. In the past few weeks, Latin America’s reactionary elites, junior partners of U.S. and world imperialism, have challenged leftist elected officials in these three countries. These events illustrate what Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin[…]

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How Aligned Is the Atlantic Alliance?

by Ted Snider, published on, December 7, 2022 The Ukraine war has caused some cracks in NATO.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and it will break.  [jb] The war in Ukraine is stretching the NATO alliance. The pull is still gentle and the cracks still small. But the potentially endless duration of the war, the economic suffering it has caused[…]

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Daniel Ortega: “What We Are Faced With Is a Gang of Assassins”

by Daniel Ortega, published by Chicago Alba Solidarity, November 18, 2022 It’s great when the global south has a well informed, articulate and passionate spokesperson.  We need to listen to them in their own words on occasion.  Of course looking in this dark mirror can  be diquieting, but it is necessary all the same.  [jb] I want to conclude by[…]

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Biden: Hands Off Rail Workers and Their Right to Strike!

by Statement by Labor Commission, FRSO, November 30, 2022 On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses. The members of four unions representing the majority of rail workers already[…]

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The Other Side of the Berlin Wall

by William Blum, published on Consortium News, November 9, 2022          Original publication date July 28, 2011 Why was the Berlin Wall built?  The Berlin Wall became the iconic symbol of the Cold War, supposedly proving the superiority of capitalism over communism. However, there is another, little understood side to the story regarding why the wall was erected a half century[…]

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