Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Israeli Justice Ministry directly involved in international ‘lawfare’ against BDS movement

by Jonathan Ofir, published on  Mondoweiss, 4/24/18 For several years, Israeli government ministries have been debating who is authorized to deal with countering the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement abroad. While it has long been suspected that this effort was being led by the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request[…]

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Thousands of Syrians buried in the rubble six months after US destruction of Raqqa

Editor’s note:  Refugees began returning to their homes in East Aleppo weeks after the military had driven the terrorist militias from East Aleppo.  Those recently evacuated from East Ghouta are in the Damascus area and prepared to return shortly.   To allow for this to occur, the Syrian Government spends months in advance of a battle evacuating people and isolating the[…]

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First Person Account of Muslim Peace Activist Detained & Tortured in US Airport

“I am Jerome Succor Aba.  I am a Muslim human rights worker from Mindanao, NOT a terrorist.” by Jerome Succor Aba, from Mindana News MANILA (MindaNews / 25 April) — Asalaamu Alaykum. Peace be upon you. I thank Allah SWT, the Almighty for giving me the strength and courage to survive the grueling 28 hours of torture. Alhamdullilah! Allahu Akbar![…]

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Emergency Appeal for Odessa

by Phil Wilayto of the Odessa Solidarity Campaign As we approach May 2, the fourth anniversary of the massacre of scores of progressive activists by a fascist-led mob in Odessa, Ukraine, neo-Nazi forces are again mobilizing for violence. They are calling for a march to Kulikovo Square, the scene of the massacre, where families of those who were murdered on[…]

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The Tragedy of the Cheminots

The Deep Meaning of the French Railroad Strikes by Diana Johnstone, originally published on Global Research, April 21, 2018 The current series of railroad strikes in France are portrayed in the media as “labor unrest”, a conflict between the government and trade union leaders, or as a temporary nuisance to travelers caused by the self-interest of a privileged category of[…]

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No Troops On the U.S.-Mexico Border!

By Lazaro Monteverde, originally published on Socialist Action Declining empires are dangerous, and the U.S. is an empire in decline. If the U.S. ruling class can avoid the Thucydides Trap with China (the tendency for a declining empire to go to war with a rising empire), they still must face their own decline as the center of the capitalist system.[…]

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Israelis Continue to Open Fire on Gaza Protestors: An Eyewitness Account

by Dennis Bernstein, originally published on Consortium News An Interview with Gaza-based Palestinian Journalist, Wafa Al-Udaini By Dennis J Bernstein According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), the Palestinian death toll since March 30, 2018 “has risen to 33, including 4 children and 1 photojournalist, and the number of those wounded has risen to 2,436, including 410 children,[…]

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Dear Salafist Wahhabist Apologists

Paul has written a response to a rather insulting article by Mehdi Hassan that was published in the Intercept.  Like many of us, Paul is disappointed by a certain thoughtlessness and lack of integrity displayed by certain articles on The Intercept. especially regarding Syria.  ~Editor by Paul Larudee, originally published on Dissident Voice, April 21, 2018 Your head chopper heros[…]

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