Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Democratic Party Convention: Lesser Evilism Strikes With a Vengeance and a Cacophony of Corporate Media Hype

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action,  August 25, 2024 24,500 full size posters reading “We ♥ Joe” [See photo above] were held high by virtually every Democratic Party Convention delegate and attendee jammed into Chicago’s United Center to cheer for yesterday’s disgraced and withdrawn presidential candidate, Genocide Joe Biden. That the Biden-Harris administration presided over a new congressionally approved[…]

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Ceasefire Negotiations as a Weapon of War

by Malik Hijazi, published on Mondoweiss, August 25, 2024 I have lost count of how many times I have clung to the hope of a ceasefire, only to watch it crumble into dust. As the war in Gaza stretches into the summer of 2024, the promise of ending this suffering has become nothing more than a cruel illusion. Every time[…]

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The Role of U.S. Weapons for Israel

by Sue Harris, posted on Workers World, August 23, 2024 Prior to October 7, 2023, Israel and the U.S. had a sweet deal. The U.S. sent Israel $3.8 billion each year to be provided through 2028 to maintain its Qualitative Military Edge (QME). According to the military experts quoted in the June 29 Reuters article, the U.S. must provide better[…]

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Venezuela: Not Counting Votes, But Smashing Imperialism’s Hybrid War is Essential

By Narciso Isa Conde, published on Workers World, August 14, 2024 ‘Concede to imperialism not an iota’ In the infinite global war that U.S. imperialism, with its Pentagon, its CIA and its NATO, is waging to stop its inevitable decline, the Venezuelan chapter has a singular importance. This is extremely relevant in Our America for the destiny of its struggle[…]

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Cuba’s Parallel Reality in Paris Olympics

by Rosa Miriam Elizalde, published on Socialist Action, August 16, 2024 Cuba’s Parallel Reality in Paris Olympics Miserable is a society that imposes repudiatory practices of inquisition and falsehood. Miserable are those who deny Cuba the joy of its nine Olympic medals, the same number won by Denmark, a country without a U.S. blockade and without the press and the[…]

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The DNC Fiddles While the World Burns

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, August 21, 2024 An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the brink of direct involvement in major wars with Russia and Iran,[…]

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Tens of thousands march for Palestine at the Democratic National Convention

Staff, published on Fightback News, August 21, 2024 Chicago, IL – On August 19, over 20,000 people marched on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, demanding an end to U.S. aid to Israel and an end to the genocide in Gaza. The march was the result of over a year of work by the Coalition to March on[…]

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The Shift: The DNC hits Chicago Amid Protest Over Gaza

by Michael Arria, published on Mondoweiss, August 20, 2024 The Democratic National Convention has hit Chicago amid Israel’s unrelenting genocide on Gaza. Protests rage outside the convention, with activists demanding that the Biden-Harris administration end its military support for Israel. “We have accomplished something already. There will be thousands of Black, Asian, Latino and Native people saying the central issue[…]

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KHive Snitches, Right Wing Liberals and Palestine

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, August 21, 2024 The allegation that only Trump threatens democracy is a useful ruse for the Democratic Party. They continue their support for genocide and ethnic cleansing and fiercely attack anyone who dares to expose them and their very undemocratic ways. “We could have confronted at any time at that convention, but[…]

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Kursk Attack: Propaganda Triumph, Military Blunder

by Wang Xiangsui, published on Chinese Academy, August 14, 2024 Straight forward analysis from China on Ukraine’s latest feint.   (Interesting new website found along the way. ) At the bottom of the page, some more lively analysis from Scott Ritter jb Western media outlets like The Telegraph describe Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk as a “turning point” of the Ukraine War.[…]

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