Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump and Political Violence Waged by the United States

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 17, 2024 The words “political violence” are the latest hackneyed and dishonest phrase emanating from the political class. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was a minor affair compared to the treatment that the U.S. state doles out around the world and even to its own people. On January 3, 2020,[…]

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Palestinians Starve While White House Feast Honors Kenya’s Killer President Ruto: Biden Backs 1000 Kenyan Troops to Enforce US-imposed Haitian Dictatorship

by Joe Allen, published on Socialist Action, July 11, 2024 [Editor’s note, Jeff Mackler (of SA): We reprint here Joe Allen’s CounterPunch account of “Genocide Joe” Biden’s May 23 White House state dinner with 500 dignitaries invited to honor Kenyan President William Ruto. Allen’s article was originally entitled, “Brandon Johnson [ChicagoMayor] Dines with Biden, While Protests at the DNC Loom on[…]

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Leading Israeli Newspaper Blames October 7 Deaths on Zionist Military

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, July 15, 2024 On July 8, Haaretz, considered Israel’s most influential daily newspaper, published the results of its thorough, in-depth investigation into what actually took place when Hamas attacked Israeli settlements just outside of Gaza on October 7. Their long report concluded that on that date, Israel’s army employed the “Hannibal Directive” —[…]

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Israeli Strike Kills 29 in School Yard Playing Football

by Dr Marwan Asmar, published on Countercurrents, July 10, 2024 In some ways this story is light weight compared to so many of the atrocities that have taken place in Gaza. The death toll was up to 35 the last I heard, but likely has risen higher since then given the fact that no hospitals are currently functioning in Gaza.[…]

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WFTU Statement on the 2024 NATO Summit

by World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), published in Labor Today International, July 6, 2024 The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers who work live, and struggle in 133 countries all over the world, strongly condemns the continuation of military interventions and wars, the accelerated militarization of international relations and confrontational rhetoric, the soaring of[…]

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For 75 Years, NATO Has Been Terrorizing the Globe

by Jeremy Kuzmerov, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 13, 2024 Will a formidable peace movement ever emerge that can succeed in stopping it? This past week, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebrated its 75th anniversary by hosting a summit in Washington, D.C., where its founding treaty was signed. A declaration issued at the summit made clear NATO’s intent to[…]

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Similar to Biden, NATO Is Aged and Unfit for Leadership

by Medea Benjamin, published on World Beyond War, July 12, 2024 As NATO wrapped up its Summit and Biden held a crucial press conference, the media frenzy continued to focus on Biden’s age and cognitive abilities. Is he too old and disoriented to lead the “free world”? Was he able to get through his press conference without stumbling too many[…]

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Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign

by Megan Russell, published on Countercurrents, July 9, 2024 Good to know we have some educated people keeping an eye on our decidedly uneducated congress.  [jb] On June 26th, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability sat down for a Congressional Hearing titled, “Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare.” This was one of many Congressional hearings aimed at[…]

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“Genocide Joe” Biden’s Blown Debate With “Moron” Donald Trump: Democrats Scramble to Terminate Biden’s Candidacy

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 6, 2024 Despite a week of intense Camp David pre-debate preparation, where President Biden was pumped full with “facts” provided by his $billionaire-backed campaign advisers aimed at demonstrating his administration’s “achievements,” Biden proved incapable of a single coherent explanation of his policies. We’ll leave it to the “experts” to evaluate the intellectual[…]

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