Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Donald Rumsfeld, Rot in Hell

by Ben Burgis, published on Jacobin, June 30, 2021 Here’s a retrospective on the career of Donald Rumsfeld.  The beaming smile in the image below from Wiki-Commons kind of makes you cringe.  Rumsfeld didn’t create the system but he was an enthusiastic participant in and driver of the most egregious excesses of cruelty and violence in his lifetime.  Goodbye and[…]

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U.S. Militarism Kills at Home and Abroad

by Black Alliance for Peace, published on Black Agenda Report, June 23, 2021 We regard militarism as the antithesis of revolutionary pan-African visions of Africa as a region freed from the destructive legacies of its patriarchal and colonial history. “African women must take a stand in the transnational movement to dismantle militarism.” Militarism is not just about men with guns,[…]

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Why Do The Media Hate Daniel Ortega?

by Gerry Condon, published on Popular Resistance, June 29, 2021 Is the U.S. meddling in the Nicaraguan election? When Kamala Harris finally traveled to the U.S./Mexico border last week, she met several young women asylum seekers.  The vice president likely saw Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans who were fleeing from violence and extreme poverty.  But she probably did not see any[…]

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US’ Pathway to Iran Has Thorny Shrubs

by M.K. Bhadrakumar, published on Indian Punchline, June 22, 2021 It is painful to read the US reports commenting on the result of Iran’s presidential  election. The New York Times carried a blurb on Monday, “Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s ultraconservative president-elect, said that he would not meet with President Biden, and that Tehran’s position on its ballistic missile program was “nonnegotiable.”[…]

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Key Witness in US Case Against Assange Changes His Story

by Joe Lauria, published on Consortium News, June 27, 2021 An FBI informant upon whose information the United States based aspects of an indictment against imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has now admitted that he fabricated the evidence. Sigudur “Sigi” Ingi Thordarson has told an Icelandic publication in an article that appeared on Saturday that he made up the allegation[…]

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Geneva Call To Free Assange

A primary witness has come forward and revoked his original incriminating statements regarding Assange assisting him with hacking.  Below is a petition with over 5,000 signatures already.  You can sign it HERE. Please sign and circulate this petition to.  [jb] Geneva – June 4th 2021 ~We, the citizens of Geneva and beyond, launch the “Geneva Call” to request the immediate[…]

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The US Gets Isolated by Its Blockade Policy: What Will Happen Now?

by Alejandra Garcia, published on Resumen English, June 24, 2021 Cuba’s new victory over Washington was not news in the US. No head of diplomacy or White House representatives issued any criteria regarding the fact that 184 of the 193 countries that make up the United Nations (UN) voted on Wednesday to end the blockade imposed on the island for[…]

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Countering the “China Threat”–At What Price?

by Koohan Paik-Mander, published on Organizing Notes (Space4Peace), June 26, 2021 This is really quite sickening.  My first thought was a line from the old Joni Mitchell song, “Big Yellow Taxi“, “Pave Paradise. Put up a parking lot.”  But, of course, it is far worse than that.  They are turning “Paradise” into “Hell”.  And we are paying  our tax dollars, […]

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