Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Advisor to late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Speaks in 3 Wisconsin Cities

by Ryan Hamann, published on FightBack News, November 7, 2022 Milwaukee, WI – Dozthor Zurlent, a lifelong political activist and one-time advisor to the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, has been touring the U.S. since mid-October talking about the achievements and the struggles of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. His trip has also raised the call to free Alex Saab,[…]

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Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, September 27, 2022 The destruction of Haiti appears to be an international project.  The US leads, having smashed their legitimate government repeatedly and destroyed any avenues toward independence, integrity or economic stability that have arisen.  What is their crime?  Is it an indpendent spirit, or merely the vulnerability of the small and weak?   […]

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High-Value US Asset “Fat Leonard” Arrested in Venezuela – Possible Prisoner Swap

by Roger Harris, published on Counterpunch, October 6, 2022 The principal perpetrator, in what AP News called “one of the most extensive bribery scandals in US military history,” popped up in Venezuela of all places. Leonard Glenn Francis bilked the US Navy out of at least $35 million. The culprit goes by the moniker “Fat Leonard.” He tips the scales[…]

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Dramatic U-Turn/U.S. Recognizes Alex Saab as Special Envoy of Venezuela

By William Camacaro, published on Workers World, September 22, 2022 This article was first published by Orinoco Tribune. William Camacaro is a Venezuelan-American, National Co-Coordinator in the Alliance for Global Justice and was a co-founder of the Bolivarian Circle of New York “Alberto Lovera” and Senior Analyst for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA).  After more than two years questioning[…]

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US in Latin America: Interference, Extortion and Blackmail in Times of Global Reconfiguration

by Jorge Elbaum, published on Resumen English, August 24, 2022 The disordered and brutal intentionality of the United States to control the political, economic, communicational, military and cultural orientations of Latin America is linked to the loss of its relevance in the region. Last Thursday, the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, arrogated to himself the right to give his[…]

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US Department of Justice Requests Argentina Seize EMTRASUR Boeing 747

by Orinoco Tribune Staff, published on the Orinoco Tribune, August 3, 2022 On Tuesday, August 2, the US Department of Justice requested that Argentine authorities seize the Boeing 747—property of Venezuelan state-owned EMTRASUR and grounded by Argentinian authorities on June 6 at the Buenos Aires international airport at Ezeiza—on the basis of an alleged breach of the unilateral coercive measures[…]

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The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America

by Roger D. Harris, published on Resumen English, July 13, 2022 While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden’s June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia elected its first left-leaning president, following similar victories in[…]

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We Are Witnessing the Weakening of the U.S. Empire Interview with Luis Acuña

While in Venezuela as an international observer during the regional elections in November 2021, Fire This Time Editorial Board member Alison Bodine had the opportunity to interview Professor Luis Acuña, the Charge d’Affaires of the Venezuela Embassy in Canada. Professor Acuña is the former Minister of Higher Education in Venezuela under President Comandante Hugo Chavez. From 2012-2017 Luis Acuña was[…]

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For the People’s of Our Region, the Failure of Biden’s Summit of the Americas is Good News

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, June 8, 2022 The Summit of the Americas is not the property of the host nation. The U.S. has no right to exclude, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but has done so in disregard of their sovereignty. The U.S. is not fit to judge others or to be responsible for bringing nations together. Every[…]

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“Summit of Exclusion” Backfires on Biden

by Jill Clark-Gollub, Washington DC,  Alina Duarte, Mexico, John Perry, Nicaragua, published on The Council on Hemispheric Affairs Website, June 13, 2022  (Beautiful Activist Photos: Click to Enlarge) “We would definitely have wanted a different Summit of the Americas. The silence of those absent challenges us. So that this does not happen again, I would like to state for the[…]

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