Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

On D-Day, Feb. 23, the trucks couldn’t Enter Venezuela

By Marco Terrugi posted on Workers World, February 25, 2019 First published on Feb. 24 by Pagina12, translated by Michael Otto. The day of the announced arrival of “humanitarian aid” to Venezuela, Feb. 23, came and went. The apocalyptic forecasts did not take place. Nicolás Maduro did not fall; Juan Guaidó stayed in Cúcuta, Colombia; and no Hollywood showdown took[…]

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US Coup Suffers Defeat In Venezuela, Protests Grow Against US Intervention

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, February 24, 2019 February 23 may end up being a decisive day in the attempted US-led coup of Venezuela. US puppet, fake president, Juan Guaido, promised so-called humanitarian aid would break through the borders of Venezuela and be brought in. Guaido failed to deliver on that promise because he is[…]

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The War on Venezuela is Built on Lies

2016 protests against removal of Chávez and Bolivar images from National Assembly. (Wikimedia) by John Pilger, Published on Consortium News, February 25, 2019 Travelling with Hugo Chavez, I soon understood the threat of Venezuela.  At a farming co-operative in Lara state, people waited patiently and with good humor in the heat. Jugs of water and melon juice were passed around. A guitar was[…]

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In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup

Guaido and Maduro side by side~tweet from Vijay Prashad by Greg Palast, from Resumen, published on Truthout, February 2, 2019 First, we have Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed (and Trump-proclaimed) president of the nation, with his wife and child, a photo prominently placed in The New York Times. And then, there is the class photo of Guaidó’s party members in the National[…]

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Haiti’s Unfolding Revolution Is Directly Linked to Venezuela’s

Photo: Jovenel must leave, it is the refrain of the popular carnival carried by a furious music. The signs of circumstance, tree branches enliven the streets of the country from Port-au-Prince to Jacmel, Les Cayes to Saint-Marc, from Jérémie to Gonaïves ~Haiti Liberte (cropped) by Kim Ives, Published in Haiti Liberte, February 13, 2019 Chaos reigns in Haiti for a[…]

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Media hype confronts reality on the Venezuela-Colombia border

Photo by Mauricio Duenas/EPA-EFE By Marco Terrugi, from TeleSUR, Translated from Spanish by Michael Otto for Workers World, February 15, 2019 Feb. 10 — The cameras are pointed at the border between Venezuela and Colombia. The stage is presented as a gate about to collapse. Everything seems ready, just waiting for the appropriate day that, according to the declarations of[…]

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Rep. Ilhan Omar Grills Elliott Abrams Over His Shady Past

Photo: Cropped from Ms. Omar’s Congressional Portrait by Tyler Durden, from MintPress News , February 13, 2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar clashed with newly minted Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams during a Wednesday hearing in front of the House Foreign Relations Committee discussing the role of the US military in Central America. “Mr. Abrams, in 1991 you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information[…]

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Trump, Democrats and International Fascists Attack Venezuela

By Margaret Kimberley, Published on Black Agenda Report,  Freedom Rider, January 30, 2019 Trump’s attempt to overthrow the Venezuelan government has been joined by fellow fascists around the world, including most of the Democratic Party. “Trump and Pompeo are behaving no differently than Obama and Clinton did in Libya.” During the 2016 presidential campaign this columnist wrote, “Who’s the Fascist?”[…]

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The Racist Imperial War on Venezuela

by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, January 31, 2019 Donald Trump is simply exercising an imperial mandate handed down to him by Obama, who put “humanitarian” lipstick on the white supremacist pig of American exceptionalism. “The darker peoples of the world understand clearly that what is at stake is the sovereignty of nations and people’s right to self-determination.”[…]

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The Black Working Class Will Never Abandon Venezuela!

Statement from The Black Alliance for Peace “The struggles of the Black working-class, united around a national program must have international solidarity and must be understood within the context of an anti-imperialist struggle against global capitalism and the US-led imperialist global economic, military and political infrastructure. For the Black working-class and the Black liberation movement not to struggle against capitalism, is not to be engaged[…]

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