Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

What’s behind U.S. Troop Withdrawals Announced for Syria and Afghanistan?

Image: Map of Syria December 17, 2018 from For full map with legend click here. by Sara Flounders, from the International Action Center, December 24, 2018 The announced withdrawal of the remaining 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria and a partial withdrawal from Afghanistan does not mean an end to the Pentagon’s aggressive militarism and endless U.S. wars – in[…]

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The rise of right-wing violence in Trump’s America

By John Leslie, published on Socialist Action, November, 2018 Homemade pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and Trump critics sparked nationwide fear and an FBI manhunt. The 14 bombs were sent to billionaire George Soros, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, Former Vice President Joe Biden, actor Robert DeNiro, and others. One of the devices was[…]

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End the Wars at Home and Abroad Panel Discussion

The continuous and never-ending wars abroad have contributed to the militarization of the U.S. borders, communities and the entire country. Important reforms that have been fought for by generations of activists are under attack by both major political parties. It is by understanding we have a common enemy that we can build a mass movement to fight back. Editor: This[…]

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The Con of Diversity (Video)

Chris Hedges and Glen Ford, from On Contact, October 27, 2018 Glen Ford, executive editor, Black Agenda Report, talks to Chris Hedges about the history of affirmative action, reparations, and the con of diversity in America. In 1977,Glen Ford co-launched, produced and hosted “America’s Black Forum” (ABF), the first nationally syndicated Black news interview program on commercial television.  Ford co-founded[…]

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Connecticut Victims of Police Brutality

Image: Zoe Dowdell, popular musician, shot dead by police at age 20 By Ruwan Munasinghe — HARTFORD, Conn. — On Dec. 14, 2017, Hartford lost one of its greatest legends when 20-year-old Zoe Dowdell—also known as Gangstalicious—was shot and killed by New Britain police. Caleb Tisdol and Noah Young (also known as “Skinny”), the others in the car, were convicted[…]

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The Deal that Lurks Behind the Calm

A family warms themselves on a fire outside their makeshift home during a power cut in Khan Younis, southern Gaza. Khalil Hamra | AP  US, Israel Seek to Exploit Palestinian Divisions and Create More of Them by Hisham H. Ahmed, Ph.D, originally published on MintPress News, September 12, 2018 OCCUPIED PALESTINE — (Analysis) This article is not written to support[…]

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The Military Occupation of US Black Communities & The Age of AFRICOM

Local and National Activists Gather to Address Problem of Police Militarization and Violence in Baltimore “Impunity is defined as “exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action,” and is precisely what defines the war on poor black and brown people being waged by the frontline troops in that war – the police forces – from Baltimore[…]

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Prison Strike 2018

by Margaret Kimberley, originally posted on Black Agenda Report, August 29, 2018 Inmates in states across the nation are on strike against the world’s largest and most racist prison system. Hopefully, they won’[t be betrayed by quisling civil rights misleaders, as in 2010. “The prison strike is a means of bringing attention to a system that is rotten and must[…]

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Washington withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council

by Abayomi Azikiwe, originally published on Pambazuka, August 11, 2018 The Trump administration withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council, while racism, social deprivation and war intensify. The administration, however, denies the escalating oppression and impoverishment of the masses. On 19 June, the administration of President Donald Trump announced the United States withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights[…]

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