Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Hundreds Protest NATO Summit

from ILPS, published by Workers World, July 15, 2024 The Resist NATO coalition held a People’s Summit, rally and march to condemn NATO’s expansion, its role in military aggression and in resource extraction across the globe. Workers World Party actively mobilized from several cities and aided in publicity and materials with the Resist NATO Coalition to respond to the danger[…]

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UNAC Conference: Power to the People

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 10, 2024 The recent 2024 United National Antiwar Coalition conference brought together an international group of activists from member organizations who mobilize against imperialism, racism, and neo-liberal policies around the world. BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist Margaret Kimberley delivered these closing remarks. Good afternoon and power to the people! Thank you[…]

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Philadelphia pro-Palestine Protests Target Weapons Manufacturers

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, April 9, 2924 The Palestine Federation of Trade Unions has requested that workers around the world carry out protests against companies that manufacture the weapons used by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. In response, opponents of the Israeli offensive protested in early April against two weapons manufacturers headquartered in Philadelphia. Ghost Robotics, which[…]

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Ceasefire Fasters Call on U.S. Attorney for Massachusets to Enforce Leahy Law

CONTACTS: Nick Mottern – (914) 806-6179 – Rev. Dr. Peter Kakos – – (email only) CEASEFIRE FASTERS CALL ON U.S. ATTORNEY FOR MASSACHUSETTS TO ENFORCE LEAHY LAW Three members of the peace community in Western Massachusetts who have been fasting for two weeks to stop the slaughter of Palestinians, today called on Joshua Levy, Acting U.S. Attorney for[…]

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In the Face of Repression, Resistance Thrives

Statement by Students for Justice in Palestine at George Washington University and George Washington University Student Coalition for Palestine, published on Mondoweiss, December 15, 2023 It has been over two months since the beginning of the Zionist regime most recent stage of genocide against the steadfast people of Gaza, in which almost 20,000 of our people have been slaughtered by[…]

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Black People Won’t Be Silenced About Israel

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, December 6, 2023 “…the Jews were the ones that walked side by side with the Blacks to fight for their rights. And now the Black community isn’t embracing us and saying ‘We stand with you the way you stood with us’? Jews died for their cause. Where’s the history lesson in that?[…]

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Rally for Peace: Shut Down General Dynamics – No More Weapons for Israel

According to event organizer Jack Gilroy, a group of over 100 people protested outside General Dynamics in a cold rain in Scranton, PA, Joe Biden’s home town.  This factory manufactures ammunition required by both Israel and Ukraine to keep the U.S. backed slaughterhouse in business.  Sponsors for this action include:  Ban Killer Drones, The Merchants of Death Tribunal, Broome County[…]

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Movement Growing Worldwide to Demand a Ceasefire Now!

Statement from Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC), November 13, 2023 As of November 13, the number of people killed in Gaza since the beginning of the Zionist regime’s devastating genocidal campaign on October 7 is 11,078 people, including 4,506 children and 3,027 women. A child is killed on average every 10 minutes in the Gaza Strip, the Director-General World Health Organization[…]

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Continuing Actions Demand A Ceasefire in Gaza

Palestine Solidarity actions are ongoing across the United States and around the globe.   Here are just a few gathered today: November 11: Massive pro-Palestinian rally in London numbers 300K, police say Armistice Day  in London. They tried to stop us … they failed … spectacularly Hundreds of thousands on the streets of London for #Palestine ????????#CeasefireNow #FreePalestine — Stop[…]

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