Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

War, Genocide and Coups: Biden/Harris and the Irreversible Crisis of Neoliberal Fake Democracy

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2024 One of the defining characteristics of the current crisis is the speed at which contradictory social, political and ideological dynamics can change with contradictions shifting from primary to secondary, antagonistic to non-antagonist and conflicts of interests, as well as struggles among the capitalist oligarchy producing new intra-bourgeois class alignments.[…]

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For African/Black Working Class and Colonized Peoples, Midterm Elections in the U.S. Offer No Relief from War Repression and Capitalist Misery

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, November 9, 2022 The 50-year old neo-liberal agenda explains why political choices in this country provide little change that benefits the masses of people. The recent midterm election results will not bring about an improvement in the lives of the Black working class. The agenda was set with the Lewis Powell Memorandum[…]

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U.S. Led Imperialism is the Leading Purveyor of Chaos

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, July 13, 2022 To say that the West, currently led by the dictates of U.S. imperialism, is in trouble would be an understatement. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned on July 7th amid an escalating political crisis of legitimacy . Three weeks before Johnson announced his departure, Emmanuel Macron’s so-called centrist alliance[…]

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The Working Class and the Global Capitalist Crisis

by Larry Holmes, published on Workers World, May 23, 2022 The following excerpts are from remarks by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, at a May 19 New York City branch meeting.  Most bourgeois economists are now predicting a recession, which is a sharp downturn in the economy. A recession used to be considered cyclical, but this has changed,[…]

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2021 Latin America and the Caribbean in Review: The Pink Tide Rises Again

by Roger D. Harris, published on MLToday, December 30, 2021 US policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean continued in a seamless transition from Trump to Biden, but the terrain over which it operated shifted left. The balance between the US drive to dominate its “backyard” and its counterpart, the Bolivarian cause of regional independence and integration, continued to tip[…]

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Why Democracies in G7 & NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership

by Nicolas J.S. Davies and Medea Benjamin, June 15, 2021 The world has been treated to successive spectacles of national leaders gathering at a G7 Summit in Cornwall and a NATO Summit in Brussels. The U.S. corporate media have portrayed these summits as chances for President Biden to rally the leaders of the world’s democratic nations in a coordinated response[…]

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Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post-Independence History

by By Adebayo Olukoshi, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, Aishu Balaji and Anita Nayar in Accra, Ghana, published on Consortium News, October 30, 2020 In 1965, Kwame Nkrumah described the paradox of neocolonialism in Africa, in which “the soil continue[s] to enrich, not Africans predominantly, but groups and individuals who operate to Africa’s impoverishment.” He captured what continues to be an essential feature[…]

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