Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Racist Imperial War on Venezuela

by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, January 31, 2019 Donald Trump is simply exercising an imperial mandate handed down to him by Obama, who put “humanitarian” lipstick on the white supremacist pig of American exceptionalism. “The darker peoples of the world understand clearly that what is at stake is the sovereignty of nations and people’s right to self-determination.”[…]

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End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

Image Anonymous, June 8, 2006, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Posted by Workers World Editor, November 16, 2018 Opinion polls said it. Now the Florida midterm elections show it. Two of three South Florida representatives to the U.S. House who had prioritized hostility to socialist Cuba lost their seats. Ileana Roz-Lehtinen’s hand-picked replacement couldn’t win her former congressional seat; Carlos[…]

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Imperialism and Immigration: The Elephant in the Room

Photo:2018/11/23 Ten days old Asylum Seekers arrives in Tijuana, Mexico ~Daniel Arauz by Alison Bodine, Fire This Time, November, 2018 At the beginning of October 2018 an estimated 4,000-7,000 people, the majority from the Central American country of Honduras, set off on a march North from San Pedro Sula, Honduras in search of somewhere to be safe. For some, their[…]

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Nicaragua: Dynamics of an Interrupted Revolution

Image from Sandinismo in Nicaragua: Non-State centered alternatives? on Systemic Alternatives by Jeff Mackler, originally published on Socialist Action The unfolding events in Nicaragua over the past three months pose two critical questions for socialists and antiwar activists. Where do we stand on the critical issue of U.S. imperialist intervention and where do we stand with regard to the dynamics[…]

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From the End of History to the End of Truth

by Tortilla Con Sal, originally published on the TeleSUR website, March 11, 2018 Non governmental organizations play a role in the Western elites’ offensive against resistance to them. Making nonsense of Fukuyama’s premature triumphalist screed, it is commonplace now to note that the United States corporate elites and their European and Pacific country counterparts are increasingly losing power and influence around[…]

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Ten Big Lies About Venezuela and Its Revolution

Cooperative in Caracas, Photo: Bill Hackwell By Carlos E. Lippo on December 15, 2017, from Resumen:  LatinoAmericano and the Third World For many years I have had the absolute conviction that the only thing that the capitalist system has managed to surpass socialism in, over these last 100 years since the first consolidated socialist revolution in history took place, is[…]

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