Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

ICJ Orders Israel to ‘Immediately Halt Its Military Offensive’ in Rafah

by Sam Husseini, published on the Institute for Public Accuracy,  May 24, 2023 UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber just posted on X: “BREAKING: The #ICJ has just ruled in favor of additional provisional measures in the Genocide case against Israel, ordering Israel to immediately halt its military offensive and other activities in Rafah and to allow aid and genocide investigators in.”[…]

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Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide; Nicaragua Exposes It

by John Perry, published on AFGJ:NicaNotes, April 25, 2024 Nicaragua’s complaint at the ICJ against Germany for complicity in Genocide is a constructive follow-on to the earlier case brought by South Africa against Israel for committing Genocide in Palestine.  Neither will have a final resolution any time soon, but when the time comes, Germany will be on the docket with[…]

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Israel on Trial: Historic days in The Hague

by Mahmoud Elenani, published on Peoples Dispatch, January 17, 2024 Egyptian journalist Mahmoud Elenani was in The Hague when South Africa presented its case against Israel to the ICJ, this is his account of those days when history was made With legal precision, South African legal team presented the grounds and evidence for their accusation that Israel is committing genocide[…]

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Israel Is Terrified the World Court Will Decide It’s Committing Genocide

by Marjorie Cohn, published on, January 6, 2023 For nearly three months, Israel has enjoyed virtual impunity for its atrocious crimes against the Palestinian people. That changed on December 29 when South Africa, a state party to the Genocide Convention, filed an 84-page application in the International Court of Justice (ICJ, or World Court) alleging that Israel is committing[…]

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The World Court: A Glimmer of Hope and a Cloud of Doubt

by Paul Larudee, published on Dissident Voice, January 7, 2024 If the International Court of Justice rules that Israel has committed, and is committing, genocide, will it save Gaza? On January 11-12 the ICJ (AKA the World Court) will hear the petition  brought to it by South Africa. Specialists in International law Francis Boyle and (independently) Daniel Machover firmly believe[…]

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The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court

by Dr. Chandra Muzzafar, published on Global Research, January 5, 2023 The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted last week to refer Israel to the International Court of Justice (World Court) for its on-going violation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza and for adopting measures aimed at[…]

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NICA-Act-I: Nicaragua Reminds the US of its Debts

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, August 22, 2017 Passage by the US House Foreign Affairs Committee of the ridiculous NICA Act brought a rebuff by the Sandinista government of President Daniel Ortega and a reminder of the US’s own unpaid debt to Nicaragua. The NICA Act (Nicaragua Investment Conditionality Act of 2017), if it became law, would require US representatives in multilateral lending institutions[…]

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